I would choose the Doopsy One Size Pocket Diaper Style “SD” in Eco Green because I really like the idea of the PUL insert. I think this may be the solution to any overnight wetting problems!
Back in June, I was very fortunate to win a Super Doopsy SD cloth diaper and Doopsy insert. When I let Joana know that I was starting up a new blog she generously offered to send me a 2nd Super Doopsy SD in Smiley Blue to giveaway to one of my lucky readers. I am super excited to be providing this praise report for the Doopsy diaper and insert.
The diapers arrived neatly packed and wrapped with a paper cover. I decided to keep the yellow for myself because well, I love suns and suns are yellow. The diaper is like a little ray of sunshine to my stash.
The first thing I noticed was the insert. The insert is almost like a large tube sock that becomes slightly narrow at one end. To use the insert you simply tuck it inside itself. Then you add the extra bamboo hemp insert. The Doopsy insert tucks neatly in to the diaper and provides a nice trim fit.
Once the diaper was prepped and ready to use, we had the inaugural fitting. We are not a typical snap diaper family because my hubby has a very hard time getting a good fit with snaps, but I like the fact that she can’t take the diaper off. Lu is on the smaller size for her age but she has a longer rise. The diaper fit great in the legs and does not leave any redness. However, the waist is just a tad on the short side for her. I prefer the rise of her diapers to come up a about a half to one inch more. But don’t let that dissuade you, the Doopsy is a great diaper!
I have found that over the past month that I regularly grab for the Doopsy. I tend to use it under pants and shorts because it fits nice and trim and the diaper doesn’t peek out. [but sometimes I like them to peek out so that moms ask, “what kind of diaper is that.”]
Now, let’s talk about leaking. I have not had one leak with this diaper, daytime, night time or in the car. The insert is ultra absorbent and well worth the value for anytime use. I love the 4 layers of bamboo and the bottom layer of PUL. My insert doesn’t have any of the fancy patterns/colors but I definitely would love to have the zebra print. They are kind of like a baby version of Victoria Secret panties. No one knows you have them on, but they make you feel good all the same.

I also love the super soft microfleece inside of the diaper. It just adds to the super soft and absorbent insert. This is totally a diaper that that I can get behind and so can Lu!
Praise: This is a excellent quality, super absorbent, trim fitting and cost efficient diaper. I would highly recommend to all my friends.
Wishes: I wish the diaper had a slightly longer rise and that the insert was just slightly wider to fit with my other diapers.
Buy it: You can buy your own piece of Doopsy sunshine from the The Baby Eco Mart and right now they are having some great sales. The Doopsy insert starts as low as $8.49 and their wonderful diapers at $11.95.
or you can…
Mandatory Entry: Visit the Doopsy website and come back and tell me which product or products you would choose and why!
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5) Already “like” Doopsy on Facebook, that’s one more for you!
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7) Blog about this giveaway and link back to this contest. Make sure to leave a direct link in your comment. (3 entries)
9) Enter any of my other giveaways and post here telling me which one.
10) Grab my *NEW* button! Post a link to your blog and show me where.(if it’s not here yet…check back in a day or two)
Giveaway ends on September 15, 2010 at 9:00 pm EST. The winners will be selected by and notified by email and will have 48 hours to reply back before a new winner is selected. Must be 18 years of age to enter. No purchase necessary. Open to US Only.*I was not financially compensated for this post. The opinions are completely my own based on my own experience with Doopsy and their products. Please read my Policies Page for more details.*
I would choose a green doopsy R because it grows with my babe
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I would definitely choose the Doopsy SD pocket diaper because it seems like a great night time diaper!
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I would like to try the Super Doopsy SD because I have a heavy wetter and I need a nighttime solution!
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I would like the Doospy R for the cute colors!
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I would pick the Super Doopsy SD because it has 4 layers of bamboo in the insert. I like the ECO Green but the smiley blue is nice too!
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I would get a Sunny Yellow SD Doopsy. I need more night time diapers badly and I think this would do the trick!
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I would pick the Doopsy SD because it is soooo absorbent!!
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i love ALL Super Doopsy dipes – specifically because i have a heavy wetter and need soemthign for overnight!
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i like your personal profile on facebook 🙂 I’ll look for sunshine praises and add that too 🙂 so count this pretty please? :)(i’ll do it tonight)
I would pick the doopsy SD in yellow! So cute!
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I would choose the THE NEW VERSION DOOPSY™ ONE SIZE POCKET DIAPERS!, since it would grow with my baby. 🙂
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i joined the rock n green giveway too 🙂
I’d like to try the Doopsy D in orange–love the colors!!!
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I would get the SD because i love one size dipes!
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I’d pick the Super Doopsy SD because my daughter needs a good night time diaper, it seems like it would be a good diaper.
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I would choose the Eco Green Doopsy SD bc it will grow with my son and includes a super absorbent hemp insert!
stephanieniicole at gmail dot com
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i’d try the D Doopsy in happy red
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I’d choose the Doopsy SD in Eco Green. I love all the insert options
sarah.robot at gmail dot com
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I would try the doopsy sd in red
csilve03 at yahoo dot com
I would choose some more doopsy inserts in different colors b/c we already have one and really like it! Works well with my heavy wetter!
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I would choose the doopsy sd because it seems like it would be really absorbant.
heidikittelson at gmail dot com
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I would choose a Super Doopsy SD because of the bamboo!
I would choose a Super Doopsy SD because of the bamboo!
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I love the Eco Green SD Doopsy diaper! I love that bright green color!
writeroxie at gmail dot com
I love the Eco Green SD Doopsy diaper! I love that bright green color!
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I would want to try the Doopsy SD because I’d want to try out that Super Doopsy insert in one of their cute colored diapers.
[email protected]
I would want to try the Doopsy SD because I’d want to try out that Super Doopsy insert in one of their cute colored diapers.
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I would choose a Super SD because we are searching for the perfect nighttime solution!
diaperdadjames at gmail dot com
I would choose a Super SD because we are searching for the perfect nighttime solution!
diaperdadjames at gmail dot com
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I would choose the Doopsy SD because i have a SUPER soaker little boy =D
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I would like to try the doopsy r in giggly orange
apeek81 at gmail dot com
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I would choose a blue doopsy R!
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I would love to have the Doopsy SD in all 5 colors! esp the happy red and giggly orange! It’s super absorbant and can grow with my Brynn!
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I would choose the Doopsy SD in Giggly Orange because I really like the color Orange and this is a nice bright one!
kaye333 at hotmail dot com
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I would love to get another Happy Red SD Style Doopsy Diaper! 🙂
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I have your button on my blog!! 🙂 (It’s on the sidebar to the right! 🙂
I would love to try the Doopsy SD in happy red!
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I would choose a green Doopsy R. Now that my little one is past a year she doesn’t need as many layers.
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I would choose a Sunny Yellow Doopsy SD because it has the most options of the 3 and looks like a great overnight diaper.
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I’d love to try the new version of the pocket diaper! Seems like it would be a great overnight diaper!
I like the doopsy SD in Eco Green.
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I would love to try the Doopsy SD in any color! I think the pocket idea is interesting and would love to see what its all about 🙂
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I would love to try the SD pocket diaper in Giggly Orange because I’d love to see how that insert works.
madelinemiller at gmail dot com
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Smiley Blue is my favorite!
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I would choose the Doopsy One Size Pocket Diaper Style “SD” in Eco Green because I really like the idea of the PUL insert. I think this may be the solution to any overnight wetting problems!
Thanks for the giveaway!
angiedkelly at gmail dot com
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I would choose the green one size pocket diaper. I love snaps and this grows with my little one so it’s very economical!
clara1 at uga dot edu
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clara1 at uga dot edu
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angiedkelly at gmail dot com
My favorite is the Doopsy™ “R” because it’s one size. It will grow with my baby.
luvtosave at
samantha.holcomb at gmail dot com
i like the doopsy SD in smiley blue for my Lil man. I have CD’d yet but won another brand that I am waiting for and would like to try many.
meagbeth2 at hotmail dot com
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I would get a smiley blue doopsy!
samantha.holcomb at gmail dot com
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I would get a Doopsy D in happy red because my daughter needs a red diaper!!
jacobsonbeth at yahoo dot com
I like the look of the doopsy SD. It looks super absorbent!
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I would try their inserts…. I need a night solution for toddler.
bcarroll9494 AT yahoo DOT com
of the 3 choices, I would definitely choose the SD… you can never have too much protection/absorption!
mayamail AT yahoo DOT com
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angiedkelly at gmail dot com
I would chose any GN doopsy to try!
tlstolze at yahoo dot com
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Doopsy SD b/c it seems to hold well for heavy wetters. I would take any of them really though. 🙂
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I would try the Doopsy SD because I like the idea of extra wetness protection. Thanks!
samantha.holcomb at gmail dot com
rastrassbur at gmail dot com
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angiedkelly at gmail dot com
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writeroxie at gmail dot com
I would choose a yellow Doopsy, because I love sunflowers.. and yellow reminds of them and makes me smile.. runamucks at gmail dot com
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I also entered the giveaway for the Easy Lunchbox.. runamucks at gmail dot com
madelinemiller at gmail dot com
samantha.holcomb at gmail dot com
I would have to go with the Eco Green in the Doopsy “SD”. I love green and love that it has bamboo double loop terry insert.
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I entered the Easy Lunchboxes giveaway.
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I would choose a Doopsy SD in Giggly Orange. 1| I love the name and 2| It looks like it would be a perfect fit!
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I would like to try their inserts for nights.
bcfleecy AT yahoo DOT com
samantha.holcomb at gmail dot com
I would get the super doopsy! i have a heavy wetter
csilve03 at yahoo dot com
katiekstewart at gmail dot com
madelinemiller at gmail dot com