It’s finally here! The giveaway carnival of a lifetime…The Holiday Gift Giveaway Hop hosted by Simply Stacie and including hundreds of blogs giving away cash and gift certificates from some amazing sponsors. You have 5 days to enter as many of the giveaways as possible just by following the linky at the bottom of this post. Entries are easy but please be sure to take time to visit and get to know our sponsors – without them the event would not be possible.
Here at Sunshine Praises you have the opportunity to win $110.00 from my four generous sponsors and me! You can read more about each of my sponsors by clicking the links below. There are only 5 ways to enter and the whole prize package will be given to one lucky winner!
So who is going to help you decorate your Holiday Tree?
In no particular order:

Extra Entries:
Follow Sunshine Praises on Twitter.
Like Sunshine Praises on Facebook.
Subscribe to my blog on email.
Follow Sunshine Praises on Networked blogs.
Giveaway ends on December 5, 2010 at 11:59 pm EST. Open to US only. The winners will be selected by random.org and notified by email and will have 48 hours to reply back before a new winner is selected. Good luck!
Enter to win at ALL the Holiday Hop Gift Giveaway blogs…
I Followed you on Google Friend Connect and I REALLY want a new electric blanket this year!
My daughter would LOVE the bows
I also am following you on twitter & fb 🙂
I follow you on GFC and I would love to have a new set of matching dinnerware for Christmas.
[email protected]
I like you on Facebook.
Glenda Embree
[email protected]
I follow you on Twitter
[email protected]
I follow you on Networked Blogs
[email protected]
I want a cute jacket from Evy’s Tree!!
chacoyaguayo at yahoo dot com
Thank you for the opportunity!
I follow on Twitter @Ma21cuteboy!
chacoyaguayo at yahoo dot com
I am following you on Google Friend Connect.
At the top of my own list for Christmas this year is the wish that my children will understand that Christmas is more about Christ’s birth than the monetary things that come with the commercialization of the holiday.
Extra Entries:
I follow Sunshine Praises on Twitter.
I Like Sunshine Praises on Facebook.
I Follow Sunshine Praises on Networked blogs.
Thank you for the amazing prizes! 🙂
I follow on Facebook:ChacoyAguayo
chacoyaguayo at yahoo dot com
I follow on Networked Blogs:ChacoyAguayo
chacoyaguayo at yahoo dot com
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follow google friend and I would like a flip camera
amyfedorchak1 AT gmail DOT com
Like you on facebook Amy F
amyfedorchak1 AT gmail DOT com
follow networked blogs
amyfedorchak1 AT gmail DOT com
Follow on GFC. A new Ipod is on the top of my list.
[email protected]
Twitter follower. @jen_r_horn
[email protected]
Follow on Networked BLogs.
[email protected]
Like you on FB.
jennifer horn
[email protected]
GFC follower. I would love a foot and calf massager. kekagel(at)yahoo.com
Twitter follower. @rowellowl kekagel(at)yahoo.com
Like you on Facebook. kekagel(at)yahoo.com
I follow you publicly via GFC.
A mini notebook is on the top of my Christmas list.
Love & Hugs,
Follower GFC
Like on Facebook
(Tamara Bennington0
Follower Networked Blogs
(Tamara Bennington)
I am following you via GFC. Top of my Christmas list this year is a kindle!
[email protected]
following you on twitter-bradywadie14
[email protected]
following you on FB-erin brady
[email protected]
i subscribe to your blog via email
[email protected]
following you on networked blogs-erin brady
[email protected]
I follow on GFC!
I already got my road bike…I really want an ipad!
I follow on Twitter…bucbratt
I like on FB…Tara Hill
Subscribe via email!
I follow on NB!
I follow you with GFC. We are building a new desktop computer for Christmas!
Follow Sunshine Praises on Twitter.
Like Sunshine Praises on Facebook.
Follow Sunshine Praises on Networked blogs.
I follow you on GFC
And I’m from North Carolina, USA
GFC follower
I’d love a new camera for Christmas.
[email protected]
Following- Twitter @bethwillis01
[email protected]
Following- Facebook- Beth Willis
[email protected]
email subscriber
[email protected]
Following- Networked Blogs
[email protected]
I am following you via GFC. I believe what is on top of my wish list… is for my Marine Son in Law to come home in time to see the birth of his baby girl.
Nothing else is very important.
I follow you on Facebook
@Robin Kampfer
GFC Follower
I would love a tv for my family room
[email protected]
twitter follower (sahmof5kids)
facebook follower
network blog follower
email subscriber
[email protected]
1 of 4
twitter follower (sahmof5kids)
facebook follower
network blog follower
email subscriber
[email protected]
2 of 4
twitter follower (sahmof5kids)
facebook follower
network blog follower
email subscriber
[email protected]
3 of 4
twitter follower (sahmof5kids)
facebook follower
network blog follower
email subscriber
[email protected]
4 of 4
I’m a GFC follower. I would love a new pair of shoes for christmas, maybe some cute boots.
[email protected]
I am eddiem11 a GFC public follower—[email protected]
A Kindle is at the top of my list
I am @sohamolina twitter follower—[email protected]
I am sohamolina (Soha M) FB liker —– [email protected]
I am a google follower, and the top of my list is an ipod touch, but I know it won’t come!
I like you on fb Jammie M
I am a network blog follower
New follower!
I don’t want material things for Christmas. I just want my kids to be happy and healthy, especially my 6yo Autistic son (who has been having health issues lately). That’s what I want Santa to bring me 🙂
mdlangmead at gmail dot com
Liked you on Facebook!
mdlangmead at gmail dot com
lol!!! umm a laptop although that won’t happen..follow gfc kendra 22
thanks for the chance !!
God Bless
[email protected]
follow twitter kendra22007
[email protected]
email subscribe
[email protected]
I’m a new follower on GFC. A food processor is on the top of my Christmas list.
cereza25 at yahoo dot com
I follow on Twitter @GoddessFoodie
cereza25 at yahoo dot com
I follow with GFC, and I’d like a new toilet for Christmas.
rebeccashattuck (at) gmail (dot) com
I “liked” your page on FAcebook!
rebeccashattuck (at) gmail (dot) com
I am a new follower. I don’t really have a Christmas list for myself…I guess my wish is that my family remains happy and healthy!
jackievillano at gmail dot com
I follow on GFC. I want happiness for Christmas.
I follow on twitter as humanecats.
I follow you via GFC. An iPad is sooooo on the top of my list. Thanks!
Following on Twitter (@MaritimeMom)
Google Friend Connect Follower! I really want an iPad this year!
fineinsanity {at} live {dot} com
Your Twitter follower {mom2anutball}
fineinsanity {at} live {dot} com
Your Facebook Fan! (Sheila Hickmon)
fineinsanity {at} live {dot} com
I follow you on network blogs as Sheila Hickmon.
fineinsanity {at} live {dot} com
I follow on GFC and I would really like a new camera for Christmas
miryfaye at yahoo.com
I follow on Twitter – miryfaye
miryfaye at yahoo.com
I like on FB – Rebekah F.
miryfaye at yahoo.com
I follow on Networked Blogs
miryfaye at yahoo.com
I follow in GFC! I’d really like to have a T-fal frying pan!
Thanks for a chance to win this great giveaway!
Best wishes,
I’m an email subscriber, too!
Thanks for a chance to win this great giveaway!
Best wishes,
i’m a gfc follower!
i would love some movies or books
I follow on GFC
A new digital camera is at the top of my list.
I follow your blog and I most want an electric blanket. Thanks.
This comment has been removed by the author.
GFC follower, I’d really like the Rival Crockpot Trio Slow-Cooker / Buffet Server for Christmas
mandalarctic at gmail dot com
Following on Twitter (@mandalarctic)
mandalarctic at gmail dot com
E-mail subscriber
mandalarctic at gmail dot com
GFC Kathy Persons
kathypersons at yahoo dot com
Twitter @mkjmc
kathypersons at yahoo dot com
FB fan Kathy P
kathypersons at yahoo dot com
I follow via GFC and I need a new camera! 😉
mommyminded at gmail dot com
I Followed you on Google Friend Connect and I want a new camera this year!
[email protected]
follow you on network
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follow you on twitter
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subscribe via email
[email protected]
I follow and all I want for Christmas is to be able to get my kids one special gift each and not miss out on paying bills, lol.
I follow you on twitter as Qtpies7
I follow you on FB as Lisa Pederson
I follow on networked blogs as Lisa Pederson
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Follow via GFC…a netbook is on the top of my list this year!
Follow on twitter.
Email subscriber.
GFC follower. I’m a bookaholic so my holiday list is topped with books, books, books! 🙂
Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!
From the Shadows
GFC follower
Following you on GFC as Kimba…
at the top of my Christmas list is getting to visit my parents (I haven’t seen them in nearly 2 years) and my grandmother (haven’t seen her in over 2 years). It’s been too long!!!
google friend follower (Snowflake07)
hotpepper71 at bell south dot Net
At the top of my list this year are some reusable sandwich baggies.
following on twitter as SnowflakeDay
hotpepper71 at bell south dot Net
email subscriber
hotpepper71 at bell south dot Net
I’m a new follower and for Christmas I really want a Nikon camera! 🙂 Thank you so much for this great giveaway.
+1 I follow you on twitter @booksobsession
I’m a new GFC follower (Terri). There’s not really much I’m hoping for this year although I just found out I’m allergic to dust so I’m in the market for a dehumidifier. Thanks!
tmp95 at comcast dot net
I follow on Twitter as @dahbou.
tmp95 at comcast dot net
I (username: Terri Winsome) Like Sunshine Praises on fB.
tmp95 at comcast dot net
I (username: Terri Winsome) follow Sunshine Praises on Networked Blogs.
tmp95 at comcast dot net
I(Mona) am gfc follower. E-reader is on my top list.
[email protected]
twitter follower as patelmona0113
[email protected]
GFC follower (shay) I would love to have my son come up from college this Christmas. I really miss him.
[email protected]
Following you on twitter @nazelnutz
[email protected]
Like you on Facebook.
FB name: sherrie seruntine cruson
[email protected]
Email subscriber
[email protected]
Following you via Networked Blogs.
[email protected]
following you on GFC pinkdandyshop
pinkdandyshop at yahoo dot com
would love anything from Etsy!
Following you on Twitter @pinkdandyshop
pinkdandyshop at yahoo dot com
Like you on FB (Janae C)
pinkdandyshop at yahoo dot com
following you on Networked Blogs
pinkdandyshop at yahoo dot com
I follow GFC
I really want a kindle
wendyhines at hotmail dot com
I follow on twitter
wendyhines at hotmail dot com
following via GFC 🙂
There’s not much on my list but I would love a new camera…one that is fast enough to keep up with my daughter lol 🙂
angelwcamowings at gmail.com
twitter follower @AbbyLand0310
angelwcamowings at gmail.com
Liked on FB
angelwcamowings at gmail.com
subscribed via email
angelwcamowings at gmail.com
following on Networked Blogs
angelwcamowings at gmail.com
I need an air purifier from santa!
tattgiff at centurytel dot net
twitter follower
tattgiff at centurytel dot net
fb fan!
tattgiff at centurytel dot net
email subscriber
tattgiff at centurytel dot net
and networked blogs!
thank u
tattgiff at centurytel dot net
Congratulations, Laurie Harrison
You are now following Sunshine Praises
I follow Google Friend Connect Public and Proud!
Thanks for the chance.
geneveve2 at gmail dot com
My Christmas list is really for my family. If I have to say something I would like it is either a new Chicken frying pan or electric blanket.
New Twitter follower here (geneveve2)
geneveve2 at gmail dot com
Wyoming, USA
Following on FB as Laurie Harrison
geneveve2 at gmail dot com
i follow and at the top of my list is probably Stephen Fry in America (the book). I’ve been wanting it for awhile now.
lauren51990 at aol dot com
I am a GFC follower (Book Loving Mommy)
GFC follow…I don’t have a list (this Momma doesn’t ever get anything) maybe a new travel coffee mug?
[email protected]
Follow Sunshine Praises on Twitter
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Like Sunshine Praises on Facebook
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Follow Sunshine Praises on Networked blogs
[email protected]
I follow you and love your giveaway! Bree
I follow you everywhere else too :)- facebook & more-ha- Bree
I follow on Twitter (@booklovingmommy)
On my list is giftcards or money so I can get ebooks for my new Kindle (I forgot to put this on the first post)
I subscribe via email
I “liked” you on Facebook (Gary N Jessica Manning)
I follow via Network Blogs (Gary N Jessica Manning)
GFC followers. My Christmas wish is for the american troops to come home for Christmas.
[email protected]
I Follow Sunshine Praises on Twitter
[email protected]
I Like Sunshine Praises on Facebook
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I follow you on network blog
[email protected]
email subscriber
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follow gfc publicly
my wish is for my two year old grandson to have the best christmas ever! i would love a new snowbaby for my collection!
[email protected]
I follow on GFC!
lexigurl_17 (at) hotmail (dot) com
I forgot to tell you my wish is new glasse!
I follow on twitter @lexigurl_17
I follow on FB: alex Herring
I follow on Networked Blogs
gfc follower & an apple ipad or an ereader
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
fb fan(michelle b)
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
follow on networked blogs
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
twitter follower @chelleb36
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
I follow via Google Connect and I would love an iPhone 4 for xmas!
[email protected]
I follow on Twitter @pittsy82
[email protected]
I “LIKE” you on FB (Nicole Pitts)
[email protected]
I follow via Networked Blogs (Nicole Pitts)
[email protected]
I follow you on GFC as leelahbell and I’d like a nook ereader this year!
leelahbell at gmail dot com
I follow you on twitter
leelahbell at gmail dot com
I like you on FB
Alicia Buchta Sherman
leelahbell at gmail dot com
I follow you on networked blogs
Alicia Buchta Sherman
leelahbell at gmail dot com
I subscribe to your emails
leelahbell at gmail dot com
first thing on my list is a mac air book- and i’m a google follower
vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com
twitter follower meandbells
fb fan courtney bella
following you on networked blogs courtney bella
email subscriber
I follow your blog with google friend connect and a Nordstrom gift card is at the top of my Christmas wish list!
Thank you for the giveaway 🙂
I follow you on Twitter – I’m @AmberGoo
Thank you for the giveaway 🙂
I like you on Facebook – my FB name is Amanda Moore
Thank you for the giveaway 🙂
I follow you with Networked Blogs – my FB name is Amanda Moore
Thank you for the giveaway 🙂
I follow via GFC: abfantom
The number one thing on my Christmas list is a GPS for my car.
abfantom at yahoo dot com
I’m an email subscriber.
abfantom at yahoo dot com
Follow on GFC.
amandarwest at gmaildotcom
Follow on twitter @amandawk
I’m a GFC follower 🙂 Material wise, my top thing for Christmas would be a laptop….in other ways, I’d love for my guy to get what he’s been working so hard for!
I am a GFC follower.
What I wanted most was a sewing machine but I got one on Black Friday. Now I am hoping for some new dishes and clothes!
[email protected]
I subscribed to your emails.
[email protected]
I am following you on Networked Blogs.
[email protected]
GFC follower and new tires for my car are on the top of my very sad adult christmas list this year!
omgababy at gmail
Like you on facebook as Pick Mason
Follow you on twitter @pickmason
omgababy at gmail
follow on GFC (Lona728)
On the top of my list is a silhouette.
Lona728@ yahoo dot com
follow you on twitter (Lona728)
Lona728@ yahoo dot com
Like you on FB (Lona Sausman Wibbels)
Lona728@ yahoo dot com
follow you on network blogs (Lona Sausman Wibbels)
Lona728@ yahoo dot com
subscribe via email
Lona728@ yahoo dot com
I follow via gfc
[email protected]
Follow Sunshine Praises on Twitter.
[email protected]
Like Sunshine Praises on Facebook.
[email protected]
I Subscribe to your blog on email.
[email protected]
I Follow Sunshine Praises on Networked blogs.
[email protected]
I follow via GFC and an Ipad is at the top of my list.
[email protected]
I like you on FB
Chelsei Ryan
[email protected]
I follow on Networked Blogs
[email protected]
Following the blog via GFC.(panicxduh)
e-mail subscriber.(validated!)
Following on Networked Blogs (Erin Mize)
Following @SunshinePraises via Twitter.
I LIKE Sunshine Praises on Facebook (Erin Mize)
I follow you on GFC: Jen-Eighty MPH Mom
mandjregan at gmail dot com
top on my list this year is a Flip HD!
I like you on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/jennifer.regan
I follow you on Twitter: EightyMPHMom
I follow you on Networked Blogs: Eighty MPH Mom
I follow via GFC (Throuthehaze)
A digital camera is at the top of my list
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
follow on twitter @throuthehaze
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
Like on FB-Rae Pavey
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
follow on networked blogs-Rae Pavey
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
I follow VIA GFC in US
kpelham8 at yahoo dot com
I would like the Visa Gift Card
follow on GFC as its just me
a laptop is on my xmas list this year
follow you on twitter from @Mistysunrise
like you on FB from Hearts N Flowers
follow you on networked blogs as hearts n flowers
Follow your blog on Google friend!
Krista W.
This year I just want my family to be safe and happy! That would be my top gift!
Follow on twitter
Facebook Fan
Kristina W.
E-mail subscriber
Kristina W.
I am a GFC follower and hope to get a Kindle for Christmas
I follow you on twitter @butterflies0218
I am an email subscriber
I liked you on fb
Follow you as laurah via GFC. This year I am wishing for some new clothes
I follow on gfc and a Roku player is on top of my Christmas list.
I follow Sunshine Praises on Networked blogs.
I like Sunshine Praises on Facebook.
GFC follower.
I would like to have my house sold and be able to downsize.
Twitter follower. pinklady705
Email subscriber.
Following with gfc. Having my family together is at the top of my Christmas list this year. And a food processor 🙂
Following on twitter. @merrydithmama
I’m a gfc follower already 😀
[email protected]
I’m a fb follower
[email protected]
I’m a twitter follower @lebedaslife
[email protected]
I’m a networked blogs follower.
[email protected]
Space floorboard heater
follow gfc
Blackberry Torch
I’m a GFC follower, and a Temptu is at the top of my personal list.
txhottie_86 at yahoo dot com
Suzanne Lewis
I’m following on twitter.
txhottie_86 at yahoo dot com
Suzanne Lewis
I’m following on facebook.
txhottie_86 at yahoo dot com
Suzanne Lewis
GFC Follower – and I would like a bracelet this year.
Twitter follower
Facebook fan
Email subscriber
I gfc and I want a watch
Google friend. I really want a Coach wallet this year.
[email protected]
Email subscriber
Like you on FB (Estell Aekz)
I am a GFC follower. On the top of my list for Christmas this year is a Pullip Dal Hangry.
jlynettes @ hotmail . com
I follow on twitter as @sablelexi
jlynettes @ hotmail . com
I follow on Networked Blogs as Jennelle S*
jlynettes @ hotmail . com
I really want a Keurig Espresso maker.
Thanks for the chance.
[email protected]
Follow your blog via GFC. I know I won’t get it but I want an iPod Touch.
I follow you on GFC
I really want a Keurig coffeemaker this year!
I like you on Facebook as Jessica S. McGhee
I follow on Networked Blogs.
Email Subscriber
purple_lover_04 at msn dot com
purple_lover_04 at msn dot com
fan on fb name erica best
purple_lover_04 at msn dot com
network blog purple_lover_04 at msn dot com
GFC Follower 😉
The first thing on my wish list is a gift card to my favorite knitting shop!
I follow and at the top of my list is a Scensty warmer and bars!
I follow you on Twitter @RazzMyBerry
I follow on Networked Blogs – Breanne T
gfc follower.
hewella1 at gmail dot com
I follow you with google friends connect – barbara wright
On the top of my list is an LCD TV for the family room. We have a huge clunker in there right now with the plug things in the back. So it’s too hard to unplug whatever is attached to it and plug something else in. Plus, as it cools down, the tubes crack – I jump a foot every time.
But I won’t be getting one, so it’s silly to have on my list. My husband doesn’t see any reason to buy anything if we have some other way, however difficult, of doing something.
Email address is in blogger profile
I follow you on twitter – bsw529
Email address is in blogger profile
I like you on facebook – barbara wright
I follow you with networked blogs – barbara wright
Email address is in blogger profile
I follow via gfc (julieh) at top of my list is a tv this year. honeypie411 at yahoo dot com
I’m following via google friend connect (guettel78), and the item at the top of my Christmas wish list this year would be a Sony blu-ray player. Thanks for the chance to enter!
[email protected]
I’m following you on twitter: @guettel78
[email protected]
I like you on facebook: Geoff K
I subscribed via email: gkaufmanss(at)yahoo(dot)com
I’m following you on Networked Blogs: Geoff K
I’d really love to get a Roomba for Christmas!
I’m an email subscriber
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follow you on gfc (redfuzzycow)
a nice bottle of perfume is on my christmas list
follow you on twitter (Redfuzzycow)
like you on fb (jen reda)
follow you on networked blogs (jen reda)
follow on gfc- nhmoose99
A new Foreman grill is on the top of my list
nhmoose99 at yahoo dot com
I am following on GFC (Vicky CK)
and I want amazon GC for my now kindle the hubby got me (cost enough that is all he is getting me…now have to feed my new addiction as he is calling it, hehe).
I am a twitter follower
I am a confirmed email subscriber
I am a confirmed email subscriber
new GFC follower and I would like to have a padded office chair for use with my sewing machine.
blessed.mama4 at yahoo.com
new GFC follower and I would like to have a padded office chair for use with my sewing machine.
blessed.mama4 at yahoo.com
follow on twitter
blessed.mama4 at yahoo.com
follow on twitter
blessed.mama4 at yahoo.com
like on facebook
blessed.mama4 at yahoo.com
like on facebook
blessed.mama4 at yahoo.com
follow on networked blogs
blessed.mama4 at yahoo.com
follow on networked blogs
blessed.mama4 at yahoo.com
new email subscriber
blessed.mama4 at yahoo.com
new email subscriber
blessed.mama4 at yahoo.com
I am following and would love a new hair dryer!
I am following and would love a new hair dryer!
I follow you on GFC, and on the top of my Christmas list is an e-reader (though I should be asking for a new job too.)
I follow you on GFC, and on the top of my Christmas list is an e-reader (though I should be asking for a new job too.)
I signed up for your email newsletter.
I signed up for your email newsletter.
I follow you on Facebook.
I am following you on GFC and would love a new hair dryer!
I am following you on networked blogs.
I am following you on networked blogs.
I am following on Twitter
I like you on Facebook
I am following on Networked Blogs
I follow via GFC. TRigell This year I’m hoping for a reader like Kindle! Thanks for the giveaway!
TRigell at aol dot com
I happily follow on twitter. TTRigell
I follow the blog with GFC (Susan S.). Getting my kitchen flooring is on the top of my Christmas list.
prizeentry @ wesharewithyou dot com
I follow the blog with GFC (Susan S.). Getting my kitchen flooring is on the top of my Christmas list.
prizeentry @ wesharewithyou dot com
I follow via GFC!
An automobile is at the top of my list!
Thanks so much for the opportunity to win in this giveaway!
~Mippy 🙂
bunnysmip at yahoo dot com
Hi Melanie!
I like you on FB
Thanks so much for the opportunity to win in this giveaway!
~Mippy 🙂
bunnysmip at yahoo dot com
Hi Melanie!
I’m subscribed via email
Thanks so much for the opportunity to win in this giveaway!
~Mippy 🙂
bunnysmip at yahoo dot com
Hi Melanie!
I’m subscribed via email
Thanks so much for the opportunity to win in this giveaway!
~Mippy 🙂
bunnysmip at yahoo dot com
Hi Melanie!
I follow via networked blogs
Thanks so much for the opportunity to win in this giveaway!
~Mippy 🙂
bunnysmip at yahoo dot com
New GFC follower-my list has an Amazon Kindle at the top…Santa are you paying attention?!
bert501 AT hotmail DOT com
I follow GFC
itzacin at aol dot com
I follow you on twitter as 1blessedmommi
itzacin at aol dot com
Follow GFC
[email protected]
Follow GFC
[email protected]
twitter follower@Missybeez80
I follow you on Google Friend Connect under the name jmcharries and a Kindle Reader is at the top of my list!
[email protected]
I follow Sunshine Praises on Twitter under the name JCHARRIES
[email protected]
I like Sunshine Praises on Facebook and my homepage is http://www.facebook.com/jacob.charries
[email protected]
I am an e-mail subscriber
[email protected]
GFC follower and I’d luv a massage this xmas:)
jmatek AT wi DOT rr DOT com
GFC follower and I’d luv a massage this xmas:)
jmatek AT wi DOT rr DOT com
follow u on twitter: jmatek
jmatek AT wi DOT rr DOT com
follow u on twitter: jmatek
jmatek AT wi DOT rr DOT com
LIKE u on FB: Julie Matek
jmatek AT wi DOT rr DOT com
follow u thru networked blogs
jmatek AT wi DOT rr DOT com
I follow you on GFC! On top of my Christmas wishlist would be a laptop! Then I could blog at the mall, Starbucks or anywhere there is wifi! Thanks!
daisydoo200 at yahoo dot com
I follow you on Twitter @Xocaisgood!
daisydoo200 at yahoo dot com
I like you on FB! (Helena.L)
daisydoo200 at yahoo dot com
I subscribe to your blog by e-mail!
daisydoo200 at yahoo dot com
I follow you on Networked Blogs! (Helena.Lemon)
daisydoo200 at yahoo dot com
I follow on GFC. I really Want a FLIP for Christmas!!
Thanks for the giveaway!
I follow via google friend.
I follow on twitter @kowgirlsrule
I like on Facebook – @kowgirlsrule
I subscribe via email.
I subscribe via email.
I follow via network blogs – @kowgirlsrule
I follow via network blogs – @kowgirlsrule
I am following via GFC: Will E
At the top of my Christmas list this year is a playstation 3.
[email protected]
I am following Sunshine Praises on twitter
I follow Sunshine Praises on Facebook as Will Ellenberger
I subscribed to your blog via my email
I subscribed to your blog via my email
I follow Sunshine Praises via networked blogs.
facebook is Will Ellenberger
I follow Sunshine Praises via networked blogs.
facebook is Will Ellenberger
follow ur blog.
on my list is a trampoline for the kids.
I’m a GFC follower- Leah
top of my list is tigi bed head wave artist
I subscribe to updates via email with the address ducks.are.people.too at gmail dot com
I follow you on twitter @HavensTwit
I’m your fan on facebook as Tee Jay
I follow you on networked blogs as Tee Jay
I follow you on networked blogs as Tee Jay
I follow you on GFC. For Christmas, I want peace…
I’d like a JOB! But since you can’t buy one of those.. a new comforter for my bed, being mine is so bad off I can’t even wash it now. EEEKS!
THANK YOU. tripsma at gmail dot com
Following on gfc
I would love a laptop computer for Christmas
Like you on fb (Cynthia Conley)
Like you on fb (Cynthia Conley)
Following on Networked Blogs (Cynthia Conley)
Following on Networked Blogs (Cynthia Conley)
I follow through GFC and I’d love a Silhouette machine for Christmas 😉
sarah at yesteachercrafts dot com
I like you on FB (Sarah Bee)
sarah at yesteachercrafts dot com
I follow you on Networked Blogs (Sarah Bee)
sarah at yesteachercrafts dot com
I follow via GFC and I’m hoping to get a bunch of stuff to organize my scrapbook space.
couponclippinmommy at yahoo dot com
I follow you on twitter
couponclippinmommy at yahoo dot com
following on GFC
I would like a pair of Bog boots this year
ejxd95 at gmail dot com
following on twitter-jblanton41
I follow you on GFC manthas24
I follow you on twitter @manthas24
Ilike you on FB
I follow on google friend and I want a new bedspread! Kind of boring but I need one!
[email protected]
GFC Follower, I would like for my family to be happy
[email protected]
I follow as ACMommy on GFC, and would love new pillows. creedamy[at]yahoo [dot]com
Follow you on twitter
[email protected]
Like you on fb
Teresa Inscoe Choplin
[email protected]
GFC follower – Tonya Dean – US
a new pc
GFC follower. I would love to get the new Cricut.
Liked on FB (Tressa S).
Twitter follower (TresSherm).
Follower on Networked Blogs.
Email Subscriber.
I now follow you on GFC as MomSaves4U
MomSaves4U @ gmail.com
Top of my Christmas list would be to have all my kids and grandkids home for Christmas
Hope you will sign up for my Holiday Gift Blog Hop too
I follow you on Twitter as MomSavesDotCom
MomSaves4U @ gmail.com
I subscribe by email as
MomSaves4U @ gmail.com
following you via gfc
[email protected]
liked you on facebook
[email protected]
subscribed via email
[email protected]
I follow via GFC. Michelle S
[email protected]
I would love to have a shiny new Red KitchenAid Stand Mixer for my kitchen.
I follow via Networked Blogs. Michelle S
[email protected]
I follow on Facebook. Michelle S
[email protected]
I subscribed to email
[email protected]
Follower GFC
Dana R
dmraca at gmail dot com
The Little Tikes 3 in 1 trike is on top of our list!
I follow you on twitter
twitter name DayLeeDana
dmraca at gmail dot com
I follow you on GFC. I want new shoes for Christmas
follow by gfc-amydelong
Would really like a new lap top
fb fan
Following on GFC. I really want a stand mixer.
susan (at) cravingthesavings (dot) com
Twitter follower (@CravingSavings)
susan (at) cravingthesavings (dot) com
Like you on Facebook
susan (at) cravingthesavings (dot) com
Follow on Networked Blogs
susan (at) cravingthesavings (dot) com
I Follow via GFC and the top of my list is a Blu Ray Player
[email protected]
I follow via twitter
[email protected]
Follow you on GFC
rugerpuppies at hotmail dot com
Follow you on Twitter @snowluvnferret2
rugerpuppies at hotmail dot com
Truthfully I am looking for some happiness in my heart this year.
New follower on gfc – thanks!
home at thelucaszoo dot com
GFC follower. I want a pair of brown boots.
I follow you on Twitter- ksh123
I follow with gfc, and I don’t have a list, as I have no one who buys me presents – my daughters are too young.
GFC: slehan
A new digital camera for me!
Thanks for the contest.
FB like you: Slehan
Twitter follow you: slehan
Network blogs: Slehan
I follow on google friend connect
ajolly1456 at gmail dot com
I follow on networked blogs (Anne Jolly)
ajolly1456 at gmail dot com
follower, clothing
I follow via GFC and top on my Christmas list would be new bookshelves and some of the books on my wishlist.
dsfrankj @ gmail dot com
Follow on Twitter @Donna224
dsfrankj @ gmail dot com
Follow on Facebook (The Happy Booker)
dsfrankj @ gmail dot com
Follow on Networked Blogs (The Happy Booker)
dsfrankj @ gmail dot com
I follow with gfc and I would love a kindle!!!
mommyfreetime at gmail dot com
i follow on twitter
mommyfreetime at gmail dot com
fb fan
mommyfreetime at gmail dot com
subscribed to your blog
mommyfreetime at gmail dot com
i follow on networked blogs
mommyfreetime at gmail dot com
I am a google follower and I want a new digital camera
I follow SP on twitter
I like sp on facebook
I follow SP on facebook
I’d love a Nikon D90 LOL but that’s a huuuuuge stretch. GFC Follower Mrs. Cox with the pretty hearts and swirls 😉 – US resident
Feel free to enter mine if you haven’t – 4 gcs up for grabs
Following on Twitter @MrsCox
Like on FB – Erin Cox
Networked blog follower – Erin Cox
Follow via GFC and a Kindle is at the top of my Christmas List this year
hmhenderson AT yahoo DOT com
Follow you on twitter @HendyMartin
hmhenderson AT yahoo DOT com
google friend klp1965
id love a bluray player
like you on facebook kathy l pease
Chitownchica follows on GFC
chitownchicas at gmail dot com
Unus Sed Leona follows you on FB
chitownchicas at gmail dot com
@chitownchica follows you on twitter
chitownchicas at gmail dot com
GFC follower (Becky S.)
The top of my list is to have gifts for my kids (and thanks to blogger giveaways that’s going to be possible!)
beckytag618 at gmail dot com
FB fan (Becky Seelentag) (I was 496, too bad I wasn’t 500)
beckytag618 at gmail dot com
Twitter follower (@beckytag)
beckytag618 at gmail dot com
Following via Networked Blogs (becky seelentag)
beckytag618 at gmail dot com
I follow via GFC.
On the top of my Christmas list is a wedding band. I got married in October, but have no money to get the bands yet.
[email protected]
I follow you on Twitter.
[email protected]
GFC: uberabby
I really would like a tea kettle. I know. I’m simple. 🙂
Follow you on twitter: uberabby2
Liked you on facebook: abby b.w.
I follow on GFC
ms.discoverytoys at yahoo dot com
thanks 🙂
Networked blogs
GFC Follower (Bridget)
Guide to Smart Shopping
Twitter Follower @g2smartshopping
Guide to Smart Shopping
Follow on Networked Blogs
Guide to Smart Shopping
Facebook Follower
Guide to Smart Shopping
I am a follower via GFC. On the top of my list is a new MP3 player. Mine broke. I totally need it for walking.
Thank you for the chance.
I follow you on Twitter @kellyblackwell
I like you on Facebook (kelly blackwell)
I follow you on Networked Blogs (kelly blackwell)
I am an email subscriber via kalea_kane(at)yahoo(dot)com
I follow on google friend connect.
Cat Tree climber
follow your blog via google connect
I follow on gfc. Top of my list is a new bottle of my favorite perfume. SImple but much appreciated!
daytoncat1 at yahoo dot com
follow on GFC
Survey Junkie.
A digital camera is on the top of my list this year for me 🙂
follow on twitter @SurveyJunky
like on Facebook
Stacy Oleskiewicz
like on Networked Blogs
Stacy Oleskiewicz
Im a follower via GFC! On the top of my christmas list are books!
I follows (LiveLaughLoveCj) via GFC…
On top of my Christmas Wish List:
Following via GFC, I would love an iPad, thanks!
[email protected]
i want wii fit!
autumn398 @ yahoo.com
I follow. The top of my list is an Ipad. I wont get it but a wish list is a wish list.
scarter305 at aol dot com
I follow you on GFC. My number 1 XMAS List is a new Karaoke machine 🙂
I follow Sunshine praises on Twitter @Smile7891
I Like Sunshine Praises on Facebook as Amanda Tomlinson
I follow via GFC dddiva and topping my list is a happy holiday season for everyone I am in contact with- striving to be a blessing to all and burden to none.
Twitter dddiva
FB Sherry Conrad
Networked blogs Sherry Conrad @ http://myloonyverse.com
Top on my list is new shoes! leandrea246(at)hotmail(dot)com
I’m following your blog in Google Friend Connect.
New boots!
nesta 67 {at} live dot com
I like you on Facebook. – Chrysa D
I follow on GFC ( hannah . chrinahxxx@..)
aigcanada7 hotmail [dot] com
on the top of my list is for my husband to find a job!
follow you on twitter (achrissmile)
aigcanada7 ]at] hotmail (dot) com
like” you on facebook (hannah knit)
aigcanada7 at hotmail (dot) com
follow on networked blogs (hannah knit)
aigcanada7 (at) hotmail [dot] com
I follow on GFC. I only had one thing on my list this year – Mary Kay’s Think of You perfume (smells sooooo pretty)! sammiejanL40 at aol dot com
I follow on GFC. the only thing on my list this year is Mary Kay’s Thinking of you perfume sammiejanL40 at aol dot com
I follow you on twitter (luvmyrosie) sammiejanL40 at aol dot com
Melanie, I am finally a GFC follower 🙂 Honeslty, I have had a hard time with my christmas list this year. I guess at the top of my list is a new phone. Mostly, I am enjoying this season through my kids!