I consider myself to be environmentally and economically savvy. I use cloth diapers, I try to by local and handmade. I bring reusable bags when I go shopping. I recycle paper, plastics and glass. I do my best at buying home grown and organic products. However there is one area that I have not completely switched over yet and that is my household cleaning and laundry products. Here is a picture of my kitchen cabinet:
Sad isn’t it? I know, I know and to be honest we don’t use half of these products. However, when my husband threatens to “clean them out” I lament over how much money we have spent on that cabinet full of stuff and promise him that we will try to use it all and not replace it until we do.
As you can clearly see, an environmentally friendly product like JAWS (Just Add Water System) is exactly what I need!
The JAWS system uses one reusable, refillable trigger spray bottle filled with a concentrated cartridge that when mixed with water makes an effective non-toxic and biodegradable cleaning solution. There are four powerful cleaning solutions that will enable you to clean your entire house.
- Glass and Hard Surface Cleaner
- Multi Purpose Cleaner/Degreaser
- Bathroom Cleaner and Deodorizer
- Disinfectant Cleaner and Degreaser
JAWS generously sent me an full size sample of all their products. The kids and I had a great time with the “magic” bottles. Eph helped me fill the water bottles up to the level and then add the cartridge. We all watched as the bottles filled up with their magic color and oddly enough both of kids suddenly had the urge to help me clean.
There were a few areas in my house that I knew would be good testing spots. The first was a mysterious mess all over my laminate blinds in the living room. I used the All Purpose cleaner and sprayed the blinds. Before I could even reach for the paper towels the mysterious grime began to dissolve. It wiped off easily leaving no marks or film. Here are some before and after pictures:
The second item I cleaned was the glass in my back door. This door is COVERED in dog love (aka slobber) as well as art made with Crayola window markers. I sprayed the window with the Glass & Hard Surface cleaner and began to wipe. The window markers wiped away easily and the window was left crystal clear. There was one streak that I had to go over a couple of times to get rid of but that really isn’t any different than normal. Here are some more before and after pictures:
Lastly, I cleaned the “cat window” which was full of dirt and grime from her little paws. You can see a video here of how clean it the All Purpose cleaner got the laminate.
And if ALL that doesn’t convince you. The JAWS cleaners use 70% less packaging material, leave 59% less packaging waste, require 59% less energy to transport, reduce water pollutants by 85%, and greenhouse gas emissions by 60%. So each time you choose JAWS over a traditional product you are making a significant impact on your world. You can read more about how JAWS is better by checking out their website.
JAWS cleaning products are currently available from their online and select nearby retailers. Products can be purchased individually starting at $3.69 for an empty reusable bottle and 2 refillable cartridges or you can purchase their starter kit for $19.99 which includes all 4 JAWS cleaning solutions plus their indoor and outdoor floor cleaners.
Mandatory Entry: Visit the JAWS website and tell me something that you learned about the company and it’s products.
Extra Entries:
- Follow Sunshine Praises on GFC
- Like JAWS on Facebook.
- Like Sunshine Praises on Facebook.
- Follow JAWS on Twitter.
- Follow Sunshine Praises on Twitter and tweet this giveaway.
- #Win a JAWS cleaning system Sample Pack from Sunshine Praises. #Giveaway ends 3/31 http://bit.ly/gFoA5Y
- Enter any of my other current giveways.
- Link this to any giveaway linky and come back here and post the link.
Very vibrant and cute blog…following you from bloggymoms! God bless!
I learned that I can buy JAWS at my local Bed Bath & beyond store [email protected]
follow you via GFC gwmhssarah [email protected]
Like JAWS on FB Sarah S. [email protected]
like you on FB Sarah S [email protected]
I shared your link on facebook http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=527691662.
I liked JAWS on facebook.
I learned that all JAWS products are safe for all hard surfaced that are not harmed by water. It didn’t specifically mention wood floors, but I hope it would work for cleaning them.
I learned that all JAWS products are safe for all hard surfaces that are not harmed by water 🙂
ktgonyea at gmail.com
I see they sell it at bed and bath thanks for the giveawy [email protected]
I learned that all you do is fill the bottle with water and put in a cleaning cartridge. How innovative!! The company is also VERY eco-friendly! 🙂
piano4praise at gmail dot com
I am a new Public GFC follower. (~SALLY~)
piano4praise at gmail dot com
I follow JAWS on Twitter @coupons4moms
piano4praise at gmail dot com
I follow Sunshine Praises on Twitter @coupons4moms and Tweeted this giveaway:
piano4praise at gmail dot com
I entered the Chico Bag Giveaway
piano4praise at gmail dot com
I learned that the only place nearby who sells JAWS is Bed Bath & beyond.
Follow and tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/kittycardero/status/52252895185342464
Follow JAWS on Twitter.
Like JAWS on Facebook.
Like Sunshine Praises on Facebook.
Follow on GFC.
I learned that this is an environmentally friendly company because you don’t have to keep buying a big plastic bottle. You just buy the small cartridges which save so much space in storage!
Sarah S.
I like JAWS on Facebook.
Sarah S.
I follow Sunshine Praises @ sarahsparks79 on Twitter and posted this giveaway.
Sarah S.
I like Sunshine Praises on Facebook.
Sarah S.
I follow Jaws on Twitter.
Sarah S.
I learned that they designed a reusable cleaner system. Great way to save bottles!
I follow gfc – emillie.
I Like you on fb – emillie rose.
I Like you on fb – emillie rose.
I follow them on fb – emillie rose.
I follow them on twitter – hisprincess886.
I follow you on twitter and shared the giveaway – http://twitter.com/#!/HisPrincess886/status/52817627361460224.
hisprincess886 at yahoo dot com