I was driving home the other night, chit chatting on the phone, when out my passenger window I saw the most beautiful site imaginable. Honestly, it was breathtaking. A gigantic rainbow filled the sky and could be seen for miles all around. People were stopping on the side of the road to take pictures. It was all I could do to make it off the highway and snap this picture before it was gone.
My blog subtitle, “Finding the Hidden Rainbows in Everyday Life” comes from a very specific moment in my life. I was in a very dark place after the death of my best friend. I was driving home, the rain was pouring down, tears were pouring down and out of nowhere, the sun began to shine and two of the brightest rainbows appeared directly in the sky in front of me. It was God’s perfect timing.
Shortly after that, my dear friend Betsy sent me a little pocket card that I still keep in my Bible. It reads:
Do you have any rainbow stories? What beautiful pictures have been painted for you in the sky lately?