Today is the day. The 15 year anniversary of that fateful Wednesday night when our eternally happy Jenny was taken from us from a drunk driver. I have no interest in glorifying the crash but I do want to show how the unconditional love and friendship of one person can cause a ripple of love and hope to spread for years and years just like one tear in the ocean goes on and on.
I am sure that many of you wondered why I had to tell this story over so many days? For me it was about healing and love. It was about moving forward yet never moving on. It is about gratitude and hope that at least one of you will see her smile and think twice about drinking and driving.
When you love someone (like so many of us loved Jenny), who’s personal light and smile moves within a group even 15 years later you just want to be like that person. You want that legacy. When she was alive she made me want to be better but in her absence she makes me want to be great.
I would turn the clock back in an instance if I could but I am so thankful that through her I was able to learn to love, to learn to be free and to learn to dance. I don’t always do it as good as she did but I do it better than I would have because I had the chance to do it with her.
Thank you for sharing your stories about Jenny with us. She sounds like she was a lovely person. Big internet hugs to you on this occasion of missing her even more than usual.