My daughter has reached the age when her desire for imaginative play is expanding exponentially on a daily basis. She has babies that she rocks and sings too, a kitchen to cook her imaginary meals and just in the last week or so she has started wanting to play dress up.
It is amazing how creative she is in her play time considering that we don’t allow for alot of princess movies or other such influences. Most of what she thinks of is either influenced by her big brother or just comes from her own imagination.
This morning she was trying to get some sticks and paper to stay in her hair and I asked her what she wanted to do and she told me to be “a princess.” Last year, her wonderful babysitter gave her a cute flower headband which she has adamantly refused to wear. As I pulled it off her shelf she said “no no” but then her eyes got bright and she let me put it on. She told me she wanted a princess dress, so I thought quickly and remembered her tutu from her 1st birthday (yes, she is that tiny) and voila she was a “flower princess.”
She happily ran around in her pajama bottoms, tutu and flower headband for the next few hours, playing outside and enjoying being a princess. I think I am going to have to start investing in girly dress up clothes to help her continue to grow her imagination and interactive playtime.
I got her tea time gloves.remember:)
Yes, Auntie Heather, but I didn’t think they were for tadpole and roly poly catching. I have to teach her to use the gloves for playing with her tea set. 🙂
lol with her pj bottoms! Love it!
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