I rarely post about topics that are not directly related with my family but I have had this news article reverberating in my head for 24 hours. Then I read this story on “Say What’s” blog today about a 5th grade child that committed suicide after being bullied. I realized that I just had to say something out loud. I had to take a moment and speak up for these kids who seem to have no one to speak up for them.
If you can take a minute to read the story and watch the video about these two teachers (if they can even be called that) from a rural area of Ohio that bullied and abused a special needs student in their care. The parents tried to get help from the school but no one believed them, which I am sure made the teachers’ behavior even worse. Eventually, they had to resort to secretly placing a recording device on their daughter for proof. Can you imagine? Like the constant abuse wasn’t invasive enough.
And proof is what they got. Four days worth of listening to a teacher and her aide verbally harass and demean their daughter. Who cares that the child has special needs! Although it definitely makes this situation worse. Since, according to statistics, special needs children & adults are 10x more likely to suffer abuse at the hands of caregivers.
When this news article came across my feed a few days ago, I literally wanted to vomit. I immediately posted this to my Facebook and asked my Facebook friends to repost and take action. Out of 324 people, I had 7 people “like” it and most not even from Ohio. I had 3 people “share” the news feed. I don’t know why this is bothering me so much, but shouldn’t we as parents and adults just be appalled and disgusted to the point of action? How can we, any of us, sit back and tolerate this type of bullying in our schools? How can these elected officials, sworn to protect our children, turn a blind eye?
Today another article came out regarding the schools reaction to these audio recordings last spring. In the article, the school board official states,
“Our biggest concern is the education and protection of our children. We fell short. We cannot let this happen again,” Roberts said. He said the bullying took place in a resource room where students with severe disabilities were schooled.
Really, they fell short? The teacher’s aide, who did the majority of the bullying, resigned immediately but the teacher was suspended without pay and had her license revoked for one year. One year! One measly year. She is currently out on “maternity leave” and has to complete eight, (um you read that right) 8 measly hours on recognizing child abuse. I’m sorry, as far as I am concerned a teacher has more than enough knowledge, training and awareness to recognize when abuse is occurring and the fact that she allowed it to continue is almost worse than if she had been the only perpetrator.
Now, let me ask you, if you are a parent, would you ever let this woman be left alone with your child? Could you trust the school district to protect your child? I think not! If Miami Trace or any other school in America allows this teacher to resume teaching children, they have failed this little girl and all other children entrusted into their care. It is such a trajedy when adults fail to protect children and I don’t see how, in this situation, the teacher was not immediately termintated.
What are your thoughts?
I saw this story on the Today Show. I couldn’t believe it. Not only from a parent point of view but also as a former teacher. If you don’t love children, get the hell out of the classroom!
This is a sad, sad story.
I am from Ohio and I’m floored and discussed that this was allowed to happen and that the school district has done so little. I used to be the assistant in a special needs classroom, and could not have imagined that happening. What good is 8 measly hours of recognizing child abuse going to do. How many have gone through traffic school, yet still speed, or drive drunk, etc. She should never be allowed to teach again!
I saw this story and watched the video a while back and was disgusted with the way the situation was handled. There will, unfortunately, always be people who act in such a way, but when those in positions of authority waste their ability to create good change in our world, then it is certainly upsetting. I know that when my son was bullied, the school district did nothing to help the situation. After months of meetings with teachers and principals, I finally went to the superintendent. What action did they take? They moved my son out of the class and didn’t discipline the offenders at all. I had to move him to another district before I saw any positive change in the way he responded to people.
These people in authority choose to hide what happened, thinking that by shining their light on it, it will soil their own reputations. Why can’t they see that hiding it instead of taking action against what’s happening is what soils their reputation?