Remember the days when your parents would order a “Santa” letter that came customized with your name at the top? It was so excited to know that Santa took time to write that special letter. Well, now you can make that same special memory for your children by ordering a personalized Santa letter from Magical Santa Letters.
Here is some information about their product: covers all the bases to make sure your child’s letter from Santa Claus is truly a magical experience.
From your child’s perspective:Signed by hand – check!
The signature is not from mom or grandma – check!
Return label says North Pole – check!
Postage stamp says North Pole – check!
Shiny gold seal of authenticity – check!
The letter talks about only things Santa could know – check!
Bright red metallic envelope addressed to the child – check!
Squeals of delight: “IT IS FROM SANTA” – check!
From a parent or grand parent’s perspective:No “boxed-in” or restricted feeling – Say whatever you need to say – check!
No character count limit – Say how much you want to say – check!
Many extras to choose from:
Magic Key (if you don’t have a chimney) – check!
Good list certificate – check!
Elf Friendship Bracelet – check!
Letter from Rudolph – check!
Children’s squeals of delight – check!
Magic of Christmas preserved – check! is proud of its distinction of being the only santa letter website that allows customers to completely change EVERY DETAIL of the letter, without imposing a strict character limit on your message.
Most santa letter websites will let you identify the child’s favorite color or recognize an achievement the child made during the year. This is how they personalize or customize a standard letter.
We go way beyond personalized – we give you the ability to create a completely CUSTOM letter. Delete everything in the starter letter and supply 100% of your own text if you want! As you write your letter, don’t be too worried that it is too long. Our software will automatically resize the letter to fit properly on the page, so long as you haven’t written enough for two pages. ends their holiday season on December 20th so it is important to place your order today. They are giving one reader a 50% off code to their online store. This is a super easy giveaway. Just an easy entry, FB and Tweet!
Disclaimer: I received a product sample for this post to complete my review. All opinions are mine. This blog is in no way affiliated with Twitter, Facebook or other network.
our youngest little guy David.
karenmed409 at comcast dot net
my son Simon (4) or my daughter Madigan (1)
My daughter would be amazed.