I know, it’s been awhile. I am sorry. I let the Buckeye Blogger Hop go too many months without a link up! So, let’s start this year off right with a little local love and party like only a Buckeye knows how!
Also, I am currently looking to trade posts/FB links to build my local following for two giveaways that I am offering. If you would be ever so interesting and willing, I would be very grateful.
Here is the link to win 4 tickets the Columbus Opening night of Shrek -The Musical. Please stop by to enter and pass it on. Then shoot me an email and tell me how I can help you!
Buckeye Blogger Link Up Information
If you are an Ohioan and run a blog for ANY REASON – your store, crafts, cooking, reviews, giveaways, or anything else you can think of – LINK UP! I only ask that all blogs be “Family Friendly.”
The linky is up and running till the end of the month, so go ahead and check back when you want to see if anyone new has joined. Feel free to write your own post and include the linky on your site – The more the merrier!
If you have any ideas on how to make this hop more successful, please drop me a line! I would love to hear from you! Thanks again for linking up and I can’t wait to “meet” all my fellow Ohioans!
I keep getting an error when I try to link. It always happens at cropping the photo and it doesn’t matter if I crop it or say to auto crop it.