Get ready for 2012 by entering to win tons of prizes! The “New Year’s Hoppin’ Eve” Giveaway Event is hosted by Matter of Cents and Our Family World. More than 100 blogs have joined together to give their readers several chances to win! Swagbucks is also sponsoring a Kindle Fire as the Grand Prize! Will luck be on your side when the Winners are chosen? You can’t win if you don’t enter. Enter to win the Grand Prize Here!Â
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a Rafflecopter giveaway
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I resolve to not make any resolutions! 🙂
I don’t make any resolutions
[email protected]
Quit smoking 🙂
To get better organized!
To quit smoking…such a nasty habit!
[email protected]
my resolution is to pay off my college debts
Lose weight! My sister’s wedding is next fall, and I am not gonna stand up next to her lookin’ like a cow! 😀
I might make a resolution to lose weight in 2012 — it would help my heart condition ヅ *Thanks* for the giveaway!
I also entered the Chicobag giveaway. You didn’t leave an extra info box on the Rafflecopter form.
Resolutions to eat healthier and be more organized. Busytennesseemom at charter dot net
My resolution is to not make any that I can’t keep.
I did not find anywhere to enter the Rafflecopter forms and it will not let me enter here where it says to and then there is no read more tab as well.
work on my debt
I try not to make resolutions, but my goal this year is to finish graduate school and to find a job that is fulfilling and allows me to maintain balance in my life.
lose weight
[email protected]
I want to lose 10 pounds…and keep it off.
tarter95 at hotmail dot com
My resolution is to be more responsible.
to lose 20 lbs.
I don’t really make resolutions.
donnyandshelly at yahoo dot com
Hoping to get healthier this year.
The basic resolution of losing weight.
littleangel_mw at yahoo dot com
Mine’s to stay healthy and manage my time better!
To eat healthier for health reasons.
To find respect for myself.
I hope to lose about 10 pounds!
[email protected]
Stay healthy.
I resolve to not stress over unimportant things!
i’d like to recommit to staying healthy!
annae07 at aol dot com
quit smoking
Jennifer Rote
wildnmild4u (at) yahoo (dot) com
To spend more time w/my children!
I need to workout more often.
My resolution for next year is to find a way to reduce my stress!
[email protected]
eat at home more and out less
To spend less time online 🙂
[email protected]
Exercise more and eat healthier
Last year my New Year’s Resolution was to Pray More and Worry Less. I’ve come a long way, but I need to extend it to Pray About Everything!
We don’t generally make new year’s resolutions. We’ll just continue to eat well for health and weight maintenance
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com
My resolution is to not give up in my job hunting
pay off some bills
lose some weight
i want to have more fun.
flyergal82 AT (yahoo) /dot/ $com%
I need to stop smoking. Bad. So I am starting on Thursday with my husband so I can get started before New Years.
I want to pay off some lingering debt this year!
to be more organized…I say this every year though 🙂
My resolution is to finish a project I start.
My resolution is to lose my pregnancy weight.
I resolve to get fit and lose weight!
I would love to lose a few pounds so that will be my resolution
Finish my degree.
My New Years Resolution is to try to be more positive, and to give God credit when it is due.
I resolve to change my life for the better.
try to quit smoking
[email protected]
My resolution is to lose more weight.
I’m hoping to get more organized in the new year.
I don`t make any
I’m hoping to lose about 50lbs by the summer!
Lose weight (of course).
to get organized and save more money
get moved
[email protected]
I want to eat healthier in the new year
Not to gain as much weight with this pregnancy as I did with the last one.
first tiem in my life I have made one! and it is to finish college! and start college! lol
To take Couponing 101 and learn to save as much as possible on our Grocery Bills…for Real!:)Thank You So Much for Giving Back & Paying It Forward…You Rock!
*:•.-:¦:-.•:*++ HAVE A SAFE & HAPPY NEW YEAR ++*:•.-:¦:-.•:*
Thanks for another great giveaway! I am going to be more active in 2012! 🙂
Angela Michels
I resolve to make it to 2013.
my goals are to finish losing wt, ive already lost 38, i still have 50 more to go. i also need to start taking care of me more.
no resolutions here!
msboatgal at
my resolution is to start yoga again, and also to cook for me and my fiancee more
eat better
I resolve to be featured in a blog by swag bucks!
I resolve to eat more whole foods.
Walk more with this second pregnancy.
I’d really love to find another well-paying job in 2012! So that’s my resolution for 2012!
Thanks for the giveaway!
email in blogger profile.
Loose weight
My New Year’s resolution is to volunteer more of my time at my daughter’s school and our church.
Google+ id: abfantom
abfantom at yahoo dot com
lose weight
desi the
i would like to work on losing weight
amhengst at verizon dot net
My resolution – take a Yoga class.
Thank you.
barbara dot montyj at gmail dot com
I want to be more active this year. Cheryl [email protected]
I resolve to exercise more.
My resolution is to get more exercise.
Lose the 20 pounds that I have put on over the last four months. katbirdfl (at) gmail (dot) com
My resolution is to read my bible regularly
My goal is to run a 10k.
My resolution is to make better financial decisons.
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
My resolution….to impove, same resolution as last year. At this rate by the time I die I will be perfect.
to have more time with family
My resolution is to get more organized in my home, and of course, to lose weight!
[email protected]
GFC: Mechele Johnson
My resolution is to finish some home improvment projects we have started
s2s2 at comcast dot net
to take a lot more pictures !!! and finally share them.
My resolution is to get organized and declutter.
theresa j
I’m quitting smoking
to try and relax. my life really isnt that stressful!
hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com
I actually don’t have a resolution this year. I suppose just continuing to live the best I can would be one.
davandihamilton (at) gmail (dot) com
I don’t believe in New Years Resolutions. How many years in a row do I need to make the same one before I realize I’m never going to do it?
Email address is in blogger profile
I would love to get up off my lazy butt and get in better shape!
I would love to lose some weight this year and pay off some bills. thank you!
crystalfaulkner2000 at yahoo dot com
My resolution is to make a point to spend more quality time with my kids, and my hubby. I also want to do well in college this semester, it will be my 2nd semester, and it’s gonna be HARD!! Plus, the usual, I wanna lose weight and eat healthier! Should be things that are simple, but sometimes life makes them hard, so I gotta be dedicated to my resolutions. Thanks for the awesome giveaway! Happy new year!
My Resolution this year is to procrastinate less! I am Holly Swint on Google + and Google +1. (No Extra Info box for this) [email protected]
finish my graduate program
Here’s my blog post about that subject:
my resolution is to keep my faith
to graduate
i want to get a job and get to pay some bills, as well as win some giveaways!
I need to shed a few pounds!
I resolve to get 20 lbs off!
It’s not really a resolution since I’ve been eating healthy for the past two years and I have lost 97lbs., but I would love to reach my goal weight in 2012!!
Happy New Year!!
To exercise more consistently!
I want t regain my health and slim my thighs.
tes 1283 yahoo
My resolution’s a pretty common one – I want to watch less bad TV and read more classic and modern works of literature so my brain doesn’t rot completely in 2012!
Geoff K
[email protected]
My resolution is to eat healthier and exercise more.
jodysis at windstream dot net
My resolution is to take myself less seriously and have more fun!
I am going to lose 15 pounds.
dolniaks at consolidated dot net
to lose weight
My resolution is to get financially fit
Donna George
I am going to try to eat healthier.
My resolution is to take better care of my spiritual and emotional health.
My resolution is to save money for an elliptical trainer, then — USE IT.
My resolution is to live each day with love and appreciation for my family and friends. Maria H.
I am not making any resolutions they are too easily broken
My resolution is to get more financially stable.
I have the usual resolution – to eat healthier and exercise more. Hopefully it will stick for more than six months this year. Lol!
My goal is to stress less and relax more! Thanks for the chance to win!
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
I would like to lose a few pounds I have put on over the last year!
Get the family back on track financially and save some money after we pay off some bills!
My resolution is to read 50 books this year. Last year I read 25.
the imagine tree at aol dot com
I am resolving to be more positive and grateful
I resolve to have a healthy pregnancy. I just found out I’m having a September baby.
I don’t really make New Years resolutions anymore 🙂
Thanks for the giveaway!
My resolution is to lose weight.
I will be more organized
My resolution is to find a job. (Susan Chester)
No resolution as I don’t believe in them. But I do try to live by my motto, which is to live life in the moment and to choose to be positive and happy.
To lose weight and to be more organized.
my resolution is to hopefully shed a few pounds and keep them off
My New Year resolution is to be more organized. tylerpants(at)
Thanks for the giveaway 🙂
I actually have several but the main one is to lose some weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Oops — I clicked “Enter” for liking the blog post but can’t find the like button. Please cancel entry.
I don’t have a resolution but I wish everyone a happy and healthy new year!!
I also added you to twitter but, it won’t enter. I’m @sweetkisses82
Thanks!! =)
Too many,lol. Lose weight (joined gym and weight watchers) quit smoking (bought all 10 weeks of patches, so no excuses) Basically to have a rockin’ bod and be healthy by this time next year.
I’d like to lose weight for New Years!
My resolution is to lose more weight.
Use less plastic.
My resolution is to get more organized.
To be more organized
My resolution is to enter more giveaways!
My resolution is to work on getting rid of the rest of our debt.
quit smoking
To spend more time with my family is my resolution
My resolution is to eat less sugar
frugalmommieof2 at
to STOP procrastinating!
Swim 3 times a week.
Thanks for the contest.
To eat more healthy and get organized! 🙂
To be healthier in general and lose some weight!
i hope to jog more
new years resolution is to focus on my studies more
eat healthier, live healthier!
[email protected]
To be calmer during those stressful near-hair-pulling situations!
I plan on sending out more handwritten letters in 2012!
[email protected]
Become financially fit! 🙂
I resolve to lose weight, organize, and be more green!
to lose at least 35 pounds (emscout9 at Hotmail dot com)
My resolution is to lose 10 lbs in 2012
Angie B.
Followed Google Plus +…(Pauline T…pls use emscout9 at hotmail dot com instead of gmail to contact me)
running, running and more running!! Oh and more blogging too 🙂
Clicked the Google +1…(Pauline T…pls use emscout9 at hotmail dot com instead of gmail to contact me)
I Don’t make New Year
that way I can’t break them!
sasluvbooks at yahoo dot com
Resolution: Get my dissertation approved.
[email protected]
My resolution is to do a better job of staying in touch with friends.
I don’t make New Year resolutions. That way, I can’t break them. BUT, I do make New Year HOPES!! And this year, I’m HOPING to make my erratic exercise routine much more routine!
To become healthier!
Praising the Lord for his Goodness and Strength. Getting back to healthy eating 2012 !
I’d like to be less stingy with money. It’s quite insane now :/
My resolution is to find me again
to lose weight and get in shape, eat healthier, complete my 365 day photo challenge and just enjoy every moment with my family
My resolution is to get healthier by eating better and exercising
to be healthier and happy
My resolution is to make better food choices and to stay away from fast food.
Just to be my best everyday…to improve myself in all good ways
Mine is to eat healthier and lose weight.
I want to loose weight and become healthier.
Try paddleboarding
My resolution is to find inner peace and to get healthier.
I also resolved to not make any more resolutions, years ago! 🙂
I don’t make any resolutions
I want to pay down my debts.
willitara [at] gmail [dot] com
To get better organized.
my resolution is to eat cleaner, cutting out excess salt and sugar.