If you had said the name “John Carter” to me a month ago, I would have had no idea what you were talking about. I had no idea that there were these popular books from 1911 that have had a semi-cult like following for the past 100 years. I had no idea that there have been attempts to create a movie based on Edgar Rice Burroughs novels since the 30’s and even more alarming (to my friend Pam), I had never heard of Taylor Kitsch. I know, what rock have I been living under?
Now, I don’t want you to worry, thanks to Disney, I am completely 100% cured of this ignorant state. I am also completely, 100% sold on John Carter.
Last Thursday night, my friend Heather and I, joined a few hundred people at our Marcus Cinema to enjoy a preview showing of the Disney movie, John Carter. I honestly had no idea what to expect. I had viewed some of the online trailers but I just had no idea what a phenomenal story I was about to partake in. I actually have a slightly geek esque side to me, in that I love non scary sci-fi. I have always loved the Star Wars Trilogy and other “other world” type stories.
If you aren’t familiar, John Carter is about a jaded Civil War soldier who finds a talisman and is transported to Mars during the midst of their Civil War. The story revolves around John Carter’s involvement and relationship with the various inhabitants of Barsoom (Mars).
Their are alien creatures called Tharks. They remind me of the over sized bugs from the animated movie ANTZ. Then there are the “humans” from the Red and Blue tribes. There is also a dog like creature called Woola that is a Calot. There amazing flying “ships” and a very apparent lack of water.
Yay! Got my ticket for tonight!