My son is busy and not always a good listener. I often find myself frustrated with him more than I am pleased with him. Because this place is a safe place, my place, I will tell you that while I love him fiercely, he is hard to raise. Don’t misunderstand me. He isn’t some horrible kid. He is just super strong willed and determined. Then, in moments of surprise, he does something so unexpected, so sweet and kind, that my heart instantly melts.
Tonight were were at a VBS celebration. The kids had attended last week and the leader was posing questions to the kids. When they answered correctly, they were able to choose a prize from this huge bowl. All the kids in the worship center were jumping out of their seats, waving their hands fervently in the air. Lu was sitting next to Eph and even though she had no clue what was going on, she too was copying the other kids.
Eph, however, was only raising his hand occasionally. (I assume, only when he knew the answers.) As the “game” ran on and he wasn’t chosen, I could tell he was becoming more sullen. He likes to win. It’s his nature. Then all of a sudden his name was called.
The question, “When can we pray to God?” His answer, “In the car, our bed, in the morning…” The leader said, “Not where, when?” Eph instantly brighten up and almost shouted “anywhere.” Everyone kind of chuckled.
As the bowl of prizes came near him, Lu’s face was so beamed. I could see her anticipation and my heart immediately filled with dread. She was not going to understand that she couldn’t pick something from the bowl. She was going to be disappointed. I hate seeing either of them disappointed.
I watched Eph dig earnestly through the bucket. Pushing some random items to the side. Then, his eyes lit up a bit. He pulled a little yellow duck from the bucket. He held it for a split second and then casually handed it over to Lu.
Her face filled with joy. She gave him a little hug. He looked around to see if anyone had “caught” him. He saw me watching him and just gave me a casual smirk and then a shrug.
My heart melted and I thanked God for Eph and his amazing spirit. I thanked Him for letting me see how he loves his little sister unconditionally. I thanked Him for showing me what I am doing right. I thanked Him for reminding me how He loves us – unconditionally and with a grace that is always present. I pray that I can continue to love my children in that same amazing way.
Aw! That melted my heart too! It reminds me of my big brothers. They would do anything for me.
Love those moments! I especially love that it didn’t come about because of parental pushing. He got there through learning empathy, through having someone care for him, by building a loving relationship with his sister. This reminds me of when Ezra offered to share half of his pudding with Ella when there weren’t any left this week… Except she said, “No! It has germs.” can’t win ’em all, right? “:)