This past January, our church started series called Catalyst, in conjunction with a church wide small group series on Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University. It has been an amazing, eye opening experience for us as we have learned more about the biblical view of finances.
As part of the program, we have begun working Dave’s zero based budget, debt snowball and using the cash envelope system. I even got to review these really cute “envelopes” from Saving Money in Style and will be having a giveaway here soon! In the next couple of days, I will be writing a post about our first month’s challenges and triumphs but in the mean time, I wanted to share with you this amazing video.
One of Dave Ramsey’s tag lines is “Live like no one else so that in the future you can live like no one else.” By that he means, live frugally today, so that in the future you have the ability to give like no one else too.
One of the high school students in our church made this amazing video. Do you see that I said, high school students? Can you imagine the heart of this young man? Absolutely selfless.
I wonder what the US would be like if we always gave up our Free for Four? What if we took one item from each $10 for $10 deal and gave it to the local food pantry. What if we always paid it forward?
So simple, so selfless. so amazing.
Watch it, share it.
This past January, our church started series called Catalyst, in conjunction with a church wide small group series on Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University. It has been an amazing, eye opening experience for us as we have learned more about the biblical view of finances.
As part of the program, we have begun working Dave’s zero based budget, debt snowball and using the cash envelope system. I even got to review these really cute “envelopes” from Saving Money in Style and will be having a giveaway here soon! In the next couple of days, I will be writing a post about our first month’s challenges and triumphs but in the mean time, I wanted to share with you this amazing video.
One of Dave Ramsey’s tag lines is “Live like no one else so that in the future you can live like no one else.” By that he means, live frugally today, so that in the future you have the ability to give like no one else too.
One of the highschoolers in our church made this amazing video. Do you see that I said, highschooler? Can you imagine the heart of this young man? Absolutely selfless.
Can you imagine what we could do if we always gave up our Free for Four? If we always paid it forward? So simple, so selfless. so amazing.
Watch it, share it.
Disclosure: All opinions expressed are my own. I only post my honest opinions. This blog is in no way affiliated with Twitter, Facebook or any other social network.
I am excited about the envelopes review! I think my family would really benefit from an envelope system. Our church has some great information on finances and I really believe our family is blesses when we live within our means. I just wish we had more success with savings (big, unexpected bills always come up), but we’re working on it. The best advice I have followed has been listing all of my debts and then paying the highest down, then applying that to the next highest, and so on,until all is paid off.