A few weeks ago my friend Jennifer shared the photo of a newborn baby laying across her mother’s chest. Normally a beautiful picture but this one was tainted by the tubes and machines surrounding the mother. A simple request to “pray for Kristina” was attached. In a moment I felt instantly called to share and pray for this Mother.
As the leader for our infertility, pregnancy loss and infant loss ministry, I am often called or sent a message to pray for a family who has lost a child. I have seen countless babies born much to early and straight into heaven. I have never seen a mother called into heaven while giving life to her baby. I am certain this is why her story was so moving to me.
I looked through her husband’s Facebook photos and the pictures of their other 4 beautiful girls and I prayed for Kristina’s healing and for the their family. I read short snippets of her beautiful life. She was a NICU nurse, a home-school mother to 4 girls, a wife and a bride to Jesus.
I shared her story on my Facebook page and called others to pray for her, as did many people. Her story spread like wild fire and the visible hand of the Jesus seemed to stretch over oceans. Unfortunately their miracle did not happen and on Thursday, March 7th, 2013 she went home to heaven.
However, her story did not end there. In life and in death she has touched many hearts and her testimony (and that of her husband) is being read by thousands. A fund started to help support her children has raised close to $75,000 and is still growing. If you have a minute please read the letter from her brother in law on fundraising page.
Here is an excerpt:
We do not believe that Kristina’s death means that our hopes and prayers were in vain. We do not believe that God is the author of death but the One who has conquered death and the grave. God has not promised that we will not die but promises that death does not have the final word. No one who dies in His love is ever lost. We believe that God has brought this host of witnesses around this terrible event to awaken his Body to the love to which they are called, that they might surround Jeremy and his beautiful girls with care and comfort, to witness how God will bring this family to heal and thrive, and finally to draw others into the love of God.
I have been so moved by her story. Moved by how it has brought thousands of people together in prayer. Moved by her husbands continued faith and commitment. Moved by the amazing generosity of strangers. So moved, touched, that I just had to share it here, in my space, and ask you all to lift up the Adkins family in your prayers.
After reading her story, if you feel compelled to do something, Matt Belsante (a Nashville friend and musician of theirs) has recorded a beautiful song for the family. The proceeds will go towards the fund for the girls. The song is called Just a Call Away and can be downloaded for $1.99.
I look forward to meeting Kristina in heaven one day. I have a beautiful vision of her doing in heaven, what she did on earth – taking care of the little babies. Maybe even some of the ones that got their too soon.
Disclaimer: I wrote this post out because their story touched my heart and I wanted to share. I reached out to Jeremy Adkins and was given his blessing. This blog is in no way affiliated with Twitter, Facebook or any other social network.
Thanks for sharing such a touching story. Do you know what caused her illness? What a beautiful family!