[In compliance with the new FCC rules, I was provided free materials for this review]
For the past several days, I have been struggling with my own selfish loss. I have prayed continuously for my daughter, for her friends and especially for our dear sitter who lost everything in a house fire this past Monday. Yet, even during my prayers, even during my thanksgiving, I have been selfishly devastated over the loss of my trusted childcare provider. On more than one occasion, I have found myself feeling upset over the change that impacted my family so suddenly.
Fortunately, I have also found God convicting me of my fleshly ways. I have found God bringing me back around to the important part of the tragedy – the safety and protection that was granted to the lives in that home. Isn’t it interesting that just as this horrible tragedy struck, I received this new video by Lisa Chan to review.
Needless to say, I have been struggling with what I lost in the fire. Don’t misunderstand me. I am completely capable of realizing the irrationality of this thought pattern. It only takes me a second of going down this rabbit trail for the Holy Spirit to tap me on the shoulder and remind me of what was saved.
In Luke 14:33, one of the verses for the Deny Myself study, Jesus says; “33 In the same way, those of you who do not give up everything you have cannot be my disciples.”
I have heard this verse many times before but at this time in my life it has never been more significant. Isn’t just like the Spirit to speak to our hearts in directly the right way at the right time? I have caught myself being consumed by my experience but I didn’t even have to give up “everything?” Truthfully, I wasn’t asked to sacrifice very much at all.
The question is, if I was asked, would I be willing?
In the 2nd installment of Lisa Chan’s True Beauty series, she brings to light how we are called to deny ourselves. It is a powerful explanation of God’s purpose for our lives and how we so often find ourselves wrapped up in the worldly materialism of today.
In one part of the firm she says:
There are so many lies that we believe. And I really feel that these lies feed this beast that is ready to devour us. It is this beast of I deserve it, go after it all. There is nothing standing in your way. It is all meant for you. It grows and it grows and it just wants to eat us up alive. And it eats up any good work that the Lord wanted to do in our heart. We are feeding it, believing it and listening to it and it is the message of the enemy. And it is the message in this world.
Are you ready to Deny Yourself?
What God confirmed in my heart while I was watching the film is that I need to stop looking through my own lens and instead try to see things through the eyes of Jesus. I need to do better at being the salt and light of the world and less consumed with the world.
If you are looking for a refreshing change, a reminder, a place to reconnect to the Lord, I highly encourage you to check out the True Beauty series by Lisa Chan. Click here to read my review of the first installment. Copies can be purchased or downloaded for $14.00 from the website. You can also follow on Facebook and Twitter.
Want to win your own copy? I have one to give away. Hurry and enter! This giveaway ends on 4/23.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclaimer: I received the video in exchange for this post. Regardless, I only post my honest opinions. This blog is in no way affiliated with Twitter, Facebook or any other social network.
Hi Melanie! I found you through bloggy Moms. I loved you post! The book sounds really thought provoking! I will be sure and enter the giveaway!
I definately could use this. I have lost my urge to attend church..i need to get back into the word.
I have been called to deny myself any extra clubs or groups. I have been focused on things at church and with my family.
What a wonderfully powerful reminder of walking a Holy Spirit-conscious life! I am looking forward to viewing this and sharing with my Moms groups!
I think I hear a lot about adding, buy this, add this group, coach this team. I have been called to be still and know that I am God. For only in the quiet listening can I hear the calling.
I am denying myself the extras- the tendency to fill every minute with busy details, and am learning to say that I am not making time for that. It is difficult to feel that I am disappointing those I love and those that I want to like me, but the peace I am gaining and the improvement when I take time for God are totally worth it!