I know this will be sound a little odd but I grew up listening to Zig Ziglar tapes. My Dad was a huge fan and I can even remember seeing him at the local conference center when I was in my early teens. Although I couldn’t begin to tell you the topic I remember being completely enthralled with his motivational speaking.
When I got the email offering the chance to review a new book from his daughter, I was thrilled. Then when I saw the title “Can’t Wait Willow,” I couldn’t believe my luck because I have two precious children that could easily be the title of this book. My guess is that most of you reading this review probably have your own names that you can insert.
Can’t Wait Willow is an absolutely adorable book about a little girl who just has to have what she wants when she wants it. Unfortunately, she just couldn’t wait long enough to get the one thing she wanted most. Fortunately for Willow, everyone deserves a second chance and when given opportunity she finally makes her way to the circus.
I have read this with both of my kids separately. Eph read it himself and then later to me. It was interesting because he was able connect a situation last January when he had the opportunity to return a birthday present to get what he really wanted or open the box. He just couldn’t wait and he chose to open the toy even though in the end he was disappointed. After reading the book, he brought that story up to me. Something clicked and he realized that sometimes it is better to say no and be patient.
At four, Lu is always having a hard time making good choices. In an age when everything happens immediately, teaching delayed gratification can be so difficult. One of the really great things about this book is that it has these little stars that are “happy” or “sad” depending on the choice Willow was making. This little “marker” really helped me to point out how buying an ice cream (which is definitely inherently good) can actually turn out to be a bad thing. Lu really liked the book and we have been able to talk about our “happy” and “sad” stars when making decisions the past couple of weeks.
About the book:
The first book in the series: Can‘t–Wait Willow!Willow is so excited that the Over-the-Top Circus has finally come to town! The only problem is, that when left to her own devices, she can’t say “no” to some good things. On the way to the show, she is distracted by enticing treats and fun that she just can’t turn down. Willow arrives late and is sad to find that, not only has she has run out of time, but money, and she won’t be able to enjoy the pink cotton candy she’s been dreaming of. Willow is given valuable advice and a second chance and is ultimately taught the lesson that sometimes in life you have to say “no” to good things to end up with something great!
Christy Ziglar, financial planner, mother of twins and niece of legendary motivator and the world’s original optimist, Zig Ziglar, is bringing the same timeless wisdom and ageless advice to an entirely new, younger audience through her new Shine Bright Kids picture book series.
Thanks to her first grade teacher, who recognized her superior skills in drawing a robin, Luanne Marten has been drawing, painting and sketching ever since. She is a great experimenter and has a fresh, whimsical approach to bring her characters to life.
You can find out more about Shine Bright Kids and Christy Ziglar’s new book, Can’t Wait Willow on their website. Lots of great resources for parents, teachers and kids. Plus you can find out when the next book is coming out by following them on Facebook.
I learned that this company provides children and families with books, tools, and games that are fun and teach good decision making and build character!