I can’t believe that it has been almost 2 months since the fire at my daughter’s babysitter’s house. The first month was a little difficult but she is definitely doing better. She is still very “aware” of smells. She constantly asks, “what is that smell?” or will tell me that something smells like the fire. She is also petrified of alarms and loud noises but that is all to be expected.
Our sitter has also moved into a temporary home and she has been overly blessed with clothes, toys, furniture and other necessities. Although none of those things replace what was lost, it does make the recovery that much easier.
One of the things I didn’t mention in my original post was that her daughter has severe food allergies. The day of the fire, I went to the store and bought some foods that I knew would be safe for her but it was only about a day’s worth. They literally make all their food from scratch and buy almost everything in bulk. Not to mention that their pans, pots and cooking utensils are all safe from cross contamination. So, I knew on top of the stress of losing their home, they would also be extremely worried about how to safely feed their child.
As a mother of a child with food allergies, I can’t even imagine the fear of trying to feed my kid day in and day out while living in a hotel without my own safe equipment. That is where my wonderful contacts and this post come into play!
Having worked with Enjoy Life Foods in the past, I knew that they were a company that would be willing to help if they could. I simply reached out and asked for them to provide some discounts or coupons that would help their family start to repurchase the thousands of dollars worth of allergy food they had in their pantry.
Imagine my joy and surprise when I was told that they would also be willing to send a care package.
HOWEVER, I absolutely was not expecting to receive TWO GIGANTIC boxes filled with one of almost all of their products. I shouldn’t have been surprised because like I said, Enjoy Life Foods really truly cares for families and their safety.
Look at these amazing pictures:
My husband, the kids and I brought the boxes over and the family was so very blessed. They couldn’t believe the generosity. It only took about 1 minutes for a box of Double Chocolate Brownie Cookies to be opened.
What a relief it must be to know that in this time of crisis it is possible to pack your child a healthy and more importantly safe lunch or provide safe snacks in the days of unpacking and relocating.
I was just so deeply touched by the generosity of Enjoy Life Foods that I had to write this post as a thank you for all that they did! This amazing gift really shows what a caring and concerned family oriented business they run.
I want to also be very clear that they did not send these items in exchange for this post! I just feel like when a company does such an amazing kind and generous deed they should be recognized publicly.
If you haven’t heard of Enjoy Life Foods, you should check them out today. We love their Seed & Fruit Mixes and their wonderful baking chocolates. Lu’s first treats were their those little chocolate chips. Man are they delicious.
Click here to Shop Online!