*I was not financially compensated for this post. I received a copy of the DVD to aid in my review. The opinions are completely my own based on my experience.*
Don’t you just love it when God speaks a Word over you or to you and then it is confirmed in a similar message? Our pastor has been sharing a message over the past 7 weeks entitled the “Seven Deadly Spirits.” The focus of the series have been on the spirits that keep us from obtaining our victory in Christ by keeping us distracted and discouraged. Even though I have been watching attending church in the “ladies lounge” [the baby is always hungry just after worship ends], I have found this series to have a great impact on my inner being.
I don’t know I should admit this, but I haven’t been a believing Christian all that long. It has been just over 10 years that I turned in my Anglican card and professed my faith to the Lord. Don’t misunderstand me, I have always had a faith. I have always believed in God but I haven’t always understood what it is like to hunger for the Word of God. To be desperate for a brush of his spirit during worship. Except, recently, I too have become distracted. I have let that passion that motivated me to seek God in new ways fall to the wayside. Then when Pastor started to preach about these spirits that can overtake us, it became clear that I needed to start to pursue God again with that same vigor I did years ago. I was looking for something to speak to my heart then I put in the new Lisa Chan DVD, Not of This World and it did exactly that.
Not of This World is a moving account of how we, as Christians, focus so much on what we possess that we don’t realize what possesses us. We are essentially blind and can’t see how we have begun to love the world more than we love our Jesus. It is very convicting to realize how “of the world” I have become without even realizing it.
At one point in the video she asks if Jesus called you home today would you be excited to see His face?
[insert sound of breaking heart here]
Ugh, that question hurt. It just hurt and I can honestly say that I am not 100% sure that if I knew it was coming that I could find complete and total peace. My new baby is so precious. I would miss my children growing up. My husband. All of these come to mind before I think of actually being excited to meet Jesus face to face.
I don’t want to take or influence you in anyway about this video. Let me just say that like the other two, Not of This World challenges places in my soul. It reaches out and tugs at my heart strings and encourages me to really take a good look at how I am “of this world.”
The video is absolutely incredible. For 18 glorious minutes I feel transfixed on what Lisa is saying. Her peaceful tone is so different than that of most main stream women speakers. She is not loud and boisterous. There are no jokes or sarcasm. Instead it feels as if she is telling you a secret and you just want to grab a cup of coffee and lean in as closely as possible to hear it.
And trust me, when you do, it is so very worth it.
So find your quiet place, grab your cuppa and sit down to enjoy this fantastic teaching from Lisa Chan.
Not of This World is now available for purchase on the True Beauty Films website (DVD $14.99).
You can also follow True Beauty Films on Facebook and Twitter.
There are two other videos in the series. You can read both reviews here:
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When we moved to our last apartment, I started going to a nearby church. Age-wise, I fit in more with the ‘older ladies’ (I am 51). Mom-wise I fit in more with the younger ladies, as I have a daughter who is 10. A couple of the younger moms (20s and 30s) ‘took me in’ right away and they became like sisters to me. That was a huge blessing. I don’t have sisters IRL, and it had been a long time since I had had close friends.
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