Did you know that September is Deaf Awareness Month? Yeah, probably not. Sadly the only people that seem to know it’s Deaf Awareness Month are Deaf people and Interpreters and we are already pretty much experts at being aware. Let’s just say that the Deaf community is lacking in a National PR company and cool color (like pink) to help raise awareness.
So I am gonna tell you some cool facts about Deafness and American Sign Language. Don’t worry, I made most of them up 🙂
Just teasing.
Did you know:
- That there are more sign languages in the world than spoken languages?
- That 90% of all Deaf children are born to hearing parents?
- That only about 30% of speech is visible on the lips. (ie: olive juice/I love you )
- That Gallaudet University is one of the only Deaf universities in the world.
- That most Deaf people want to be called deaf and not hearing impaired.Â
- That the huddle formation in football originated at Gallaudet University.
- That Juliet Lowe the founder of the Girl Scouts was deaf.
- That babies exposed to sign language will produce their first word about 6 months earlier than babies who aren’t.
- That Deaf people are mothers, fathers, teachers, doctors, lawyers, athletes, actors and about every other profession.Â
Do you have any questions about Deafness or American Sign Language?
Anything you have always wanted to ask but never had the chance? This is the perfect place to find out more about this amazing culture.
In addition to this post, the company I work for, Sorenson Communications, has a phenomenal site set up for Deaf Awareness Month 2013. All the video’s are captioned and you can learn all sorts of amazing details about the Deaf Community and American Sign Language. Plus there is a super cute ASL rendition of the Three Billy Goats Gruff. Even if you don’t know ASL, you can appreciate this story.
Check  back here over the next few days for a couple of guests posts from some of my favorite Deaf women. You won’t want to miss these amazing women and their stories. They truly embody the motto, Deaf people can do anything but hear.
Those are cool facts and most of them I didn’t know. I did a little bit of sign language with Baby C, but I had trouble remember the signs. Baby C’s music teacher teaches signs with her songs.
Mandi recently posted…God Bless You and Good Night Book {Review and Giveaway}
I’m deaf! I knew about Deaf Awareness Month because of Sorenson–I have one of their video phones! I loved all the facts. There were some I didn’t know. I was just really excited to see a post about deafness, so thank you for sharing!!
Welcome to Sunshine Praises April! I am so glad you found my little part of the world. My husband is 3rd generation Deaf and I randomly talk about Deafness and sign language on here! I do hope you will come back to see me again!
I didn’t realize this and I have a sister who is profoundly deaf. Thank you for the info 🙂
Kathleen recently posted…Wishful Wednesday Giveaway!
I surprisingly enough knew most of these – but it’s so good to see it being talked about! I’m not an interpreter (yet), but I’ve used a combination of ASL & SE with my 10mo baby since he was 2 months. He signs back, and is a *much* calmer baby since we’ve been using it!
This is awesome. Awareness is important. My brother is severely autistic, so I really appreciate when people take the time to understand his condition (as well as those of others).
Thanks for sharing 🙂 Continue to inspire!