Disclaimer: We were provided this DVD in exchange for a review and promotion. All opinions, ideas and thoughts are my own.
My kids are pretty well steeped in the “Christmas Story.” Collectively, we probably have 7 to 8 books that tell the story of Jesus’s birth. Plus they have heard the story in church about a zillion times. If you asked either of them to tell you about baby Jesus, they could easily recite the story. That is why I wasn’t 100% sure if they would really get into the this DVD but boy was I wrong. They were both enthralled with the visual story. I would tell you that they say quietly but truthfully, they both asked about a zillion questions.
The Promise is a musical that uses verses from the Bible to tell about the birth of our Savior. The film is beautifully animated making it a joy to watch. My kids were really interested in the part of the story about John the Baptist. It gave us a chance to talk about an aspect of the Bible story that was unfamiliar. To be honest, sometimes even I forget that part of the story.
One of the things that also surprised me was that Eph thought Mary was old. Like really old. When he saw her young, animated version, he was surprised. He actually went to the shelf, got his Bible and looked up the story. Unfortunately, Mary’s age isn’t mentioned but it was a nice lesson about the culture and why we know that Mary was just a young girl. The other thing that Eph thought was funny, was that Mary and Joesph slept “too close” on the little bed in the stable. Apparently, my husband and I don’t sleep close because “we have a big bed.” LOL.
Of course Lu was all about the baby. She wanted to know all about Jesus being in Mary’s belly. She also wanted to know why there were no animals in the stable.
There is a song at the end of the DVD where Mary tickles baby Jesus’ toes. She kisses him and calls him King. As we were watching, I was snuggling my miracle baby, Ezra and thinking how amazing and scary it must have been for Mary. The scene where she is holding him, swaddling him and then laying down next to him was so intimate and beautiful.
The Promise: The Birth of the Messiah is an animated musical celebration of one of the most pivotal events in all human history, the birth of Jesus Christ. This beautifully crafted musical is a faithful adaptation of the birth narrative from the Gospel of Luke in both story and song. The animated production leverages optical motion technology to blend traditional animation techniques with the performance talents of ballet dancers and dramatic stage actors. The result is a unique and worshipful story experience that will inspire audiences young and old for years to come.
This DVD is a MUST HAVE for all Christian families. It would be the perfect way to celebrate advent, to make the story of Jesus’ birth come alive for their little hearts. The perfect beginning and end for your Christmas season.
Find out more about The Promise on these social networking sites:
Website: http://www.
Facebook: https://www.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/
Official Trailer: https://www.youtube.
Buy the DVD from Amazon for $14.99 and start a new tradition with your family today!
Love the idea of a musical.