This review was made possible by Double Duty Divas and Pampers. I was provided the featured product free of charge to facilitate my review, but all opinions are 100% mine.
When I was a newborn, my father worked for a large company that made the first disposable diaper. As a gift to all their employees, each family would receive a year’s worth of disposable diapers. I tried to dig up a couple of pictures of me in my very first diaper but alas, my parents seemed to keep me well clothed. Do you remember the first diaper that you ever saw? I can remember my aunt changing my cousin using Pampers thirty years ago. The diapers were just a piece of square paper mulch in a plastic wrapper. The tabs even had those little pieces of paper that you had to pull off, kind of like a band-aid.
Do you remember those?
Even though my family has been huge advocates for cloth diapers over the past 6 years, there are times that we use disposables and when we do, we always use Pampers. Since our newest little one is Deaf, he is attending a special daycare center at our local Deaf school and we are using disposables more than ever. Pampers to me is a trusted brand that I know will be dry against my baby’s skin and contain leaks. I was excited to hear that Pampers Swaddlers are now available for the first time all the way to size 5. Now Mom’s can swaddle their babies in the softest diaper available throughout all their diaper years.
Here is a little peak at Ez’s school:
Now that Pampers Swaddlers are available through size 5, your baby will be celebrating all sorts of “firsts” with Pampers. For us, our little Deaf baby is bring all sorts of new firsts. We have had our first hearing aids and were are working on our very first sign. Its fun to watch him try to intentionally move his little hands like he is signing with us. I am almost convinced that he was trying to sign “all done” today. I know he recognizes the sign for MILK because when you do it right in front of him, he gets all excited and kicks his feet, turns his head and clicks his tongue.
One of my absolute favorite firsts is when my little ones can grab their own feet. There is something absolutely adorable to see those little toes all fingers all jumbled up.
I received a wonderful prize package as part of the Swaddlers First Campaign that not only included that adorable DouDou Bear, the Pampers robe and a pack of Swaddlers but also had a few “firsts” that we are still a bit to young for.
- Baby’s First Tooth and First Curl Treasure Box
- Baby’s First Words Book
- $50 Shutterfly Gift Card to celebrate all “firsts” moments
- Vtech Learning Walker (with lots of lights – which makes my little Deaf baby happy)
Find out more about the new Swaddlers by checking out the Pampers Facebook and Twitter pages.
And make sure you watch this adorable video:
From your baby’s first smile to their first step, Swaddlers can now be there for many more firsts to come! To celebrate Swaddlers sizes 4 & 5, Pampers has 30 days of incredible giveaways and a grand prize of FREE Swaddlers diapers & wipes for a year. Join the celebration and enter our 30 days of sweeps on the Pampers Facebook page where you can win daily prize bundles, plus the grand prize of free Swaddlers diapers & wipes for one year!
#SwaddlersFirsts Twitter Party Information:
The Twitter Party will take place on December 5th at 9pm EST.
I hope you will join us! Just make sure you RSVP at
Prizes include:
3- Celebrating Firsts Gift Packs, ARV ($250), which include:
- Baby’s First Friend Doudou Bear Plush Doll
- Baby’s First Tooth and First Curl Treasure Box
- Baby’s First Words Book
- Baby’s First Steps Plush Toy
- $50 Shutterfly Gift Card to celebrate all “firsts” moments
- Baby’s First Bath Robe
- Pampers Swaddlers
Grand Prize: Canon EOS Rebel T3 DSLR camera worth $450!
To participate, follow your hosts @DoubleDutyDivas, @BridgetteLA, @CeceliaMecca @AngieKcom @WhatMommiesNeed @RamblingChick, and our sponsor @Pampers.
I have a GREAT GIVEAWAY for all of my wonderful readers!
Enter here to win:
· Baby’s First Friend Doudou Bear Plush Doll
· Baby’s First Tooth & First Curl Treasure Box
· Baby’s First Words Book
· Baby’s First Steps Plush Toy
· Pampers Swaddlers
The first time I held Baby C in my arms.
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When my twins first started talking to each other! So cute !
Their first smile!
I loved the first word, loved hearing that sweet voice.
So far it’s when my son said his first knock knock joke.
Max: knock, knock
Mom: who’s there
Max: it’s a door
Mom: it’s a door who?
Max: it’s peanut butter sandwich!!!
LOL that is brillant!
When my LO took her first step I got so excited I screamed (out of joy and excitement) which made her fall over! Haha! 🙂
Im still pregnant so my favorite first is feeling her move for the first time.
Oh I loved that too!
I loved when my daughter stood up for the first time on her own!
My favorite first is their first smile.
Thank you for the chance to win this!
My favorite first were when i heard my children say mama for the first time.
We take photos and videos, and celebrate every first with love
I love the first real smile!
My favorite first was little ones first laugh