I am currently facilitating a Bible study at our church. We are reading Francis Chan’s Crazy Love. Last night one of the ladies mentioned “practicing joy.” It seemed so mundane but when I really started to think about it, I realized she was on to something. What would life be like if I actually practiced joy? Can you imagine how much better life would seem? So I am taking my mental note and sharing it with each of you!
How can you practice extraordinary joy?
I love this idea, because joy doesn’t always happen naturally. We can have joy without being happy. I think the way that I love cultivating joy in my life is thanking God for even the tiniest things that happen every day. If you’re thankful for your home, thanking God for the jobs to afford it, for the providence in finding it, and every thing involved in having that home make it that much more joyful to live there!
Great post! My husband read that book and really enjoyed it. I haven’t yet. I find as a SAHM that practicing joy is so important. I set the tone for everyone in the household.