I posted this on my FB page and got lots of ideas but wondering if there might be any other creative solutions. We really have two issues. One, he likes to pull up on it and second, he likes to turn the faucet and make the water run.
Here are some things to note…
- We live in a very small condo and the water cooler needs to be plugged in so there really isn’t anywhere else to put it.
- Our drinking water is literally rated a “D” and full of junk so getting rid of it is not an option.
- The hot water has a lock on it, so I am not worried about him burning himself.
What ideas/solutions do you have?
Can you put it higher? Like on a stable table just so little one can’t reach the nozzle?
Is it possible to put a gate in front of it? I’m curious to see what other suggestions you get. I’m interested in getting one but never thought about how my 15 mo would be with it!
Maybe put a strap around it that is used for large furniture so the baby can’t pull it over.
I so wish I had a good idea for you! We’re getting ready to baby proof the house (our little one is 10 weeks old) and I’m dreading it! Is it so heavy you worry about it being tipped over? Otherwise, I would think it wouldn’t be too big of a hazard.
Find a tall baby gate??
Lol My brother and sister in law used to have one of these and my nephew was always playing with it. I don’t remember if they found a way to baby proof it or not. I wish I could offer a suggestion lol
Tough one! Have you asked the company if they have any ideas?
We did the Babywise series with our first, and the basic concept is not to babyproof your house, but “houseproof” your baby-Teach him he is not allowed to touch it. If he does, put him in timeout in his crib with the light on so he knows its not bedtime (shut the door and just walk out, come back in 3-5 mins and tell him no touch), slap his hand when he goes for it, and hold his face so he is looking at you and firmly tell him “No touch”
you could also provide an acceptable place to play in water-ie bathtub or a bowl of water on the kitchen floor with a towel underneath.
We had the exact same problem with our LO. She would walk up to the cooler and press the button. We’ve been pretty strict though about not letting her touch it. We tell her no and re-direct her to a toy or something else to take her attention. We’ve also done time-outs (very short but its something she understands. She rarely ever tries to touch it anymore. There was only one incident where we had a bit of a spill to clean up on the floor. But it was the same with everything else in our house – Christmas decorations, decorations on the shelves and entertainment units, etc. She just knows now that she’s not allowed to touch them 🙂
As far as something being a hazard though I totally wouldn’t risk it.If its not sturdy and has even the slightest chance of falling on your LO I would call the manufacturer and ask their suggestions. I’m sure you’re not the first to ask! 🙂
We don’t have one, but we were recently visiting family and they had one. My toddler was way too interested in it. She kept holding it down and making a mess. Basically, she got a time out whenever she touched it and we made her clean up any water she spilled. It took a few time outs, but she eventually stopped messing with it.
You can strap the base to the wall so it doesn’t fall over. As for the running water, can you add a lock to the cold water too? If you can’t change it you can buy one with locks on both. Or get rid of it and buy water to keep I’m the fridge or use a water filter for your tap water. Good luck!
I Would put a baby gate around it, in addition to firmly telling him “no” when he tries to mess with it. Perhaps some straps to keep it from being pulled down?
If either of you are handy as far as making things, you might try to make a cabinet that could enclose it. You could have an opening in the back for the cord, and unless the cooler is heavy enough, you could attach the cabinet to the wall to keep it from tipping.
You may be able to buy something similar that would work as well.
That looks tough to baby proof. I would try my hardest to put it someplace else, or settle and put a baby fence around it. (?)
Did you ever find a way to baby proof this?