Disclaimer: My family was provided passes to see this movie however there was no expectation for promotion or a positive review. All thoughts, ideas and opinions are mine alone and in no way influenced.
I never would have thought that I would be become such a HUGE Marvel movie fan. I was never a Sci-Fi kind of girl and the only movies I ever saw in a theater were chick flicks and dramas. Needless to say, after 5 years of blogging for Disney Movies, I have found that I am geekily more (that is so not a real word) excited each time a new one comes out.
Now, I have to absolutely admit, when I took my seat in the theater last Wednesday night, I had zero clue as to who and what Guardians of the Galaxy was about. Caught up in my own drama, I hadn’t really had a chance to check out the movie promo work. I just took a step of faith and the prodding of a very excited nine year old.
Let me start by saying, I loved it. It had my attention from start to finish. I laughed, I was a little sad and I was thrilled when they left the ending open because 2 hours is just not enough with this motley crew. The special effects were outrageous and I really liked the 3D special effects. Sometimes, I get a little dizzy with too much “in your face” flashing but the Guardians 3D was very smooth and enjoyable.
The movie is rated PG-13 and there were definitely parts of the movie that I cringed a little. However it is on par with all the other Marvel movies and might even have a little less sexual innuendo. There was a lot of violence but as with most of the Marvel movies there is no actual blood and deaths are primarily inferred. There are several heart thumping moments but they are equally balanced with some of the best one liners in movie history. I would not be surprised if Guardians becomes one of those regularly quoted comedic movies.
It also has one of the most classic and wicked soundtracks within a soundtrack and somehow, the writers are able to mention Keven Bacon on more than a few occasions. Those little 80’s tid bits flew right over the head of my little one but there was a constant stream of laughs from the apparently older crowd.
I am very glad that I chose not to bring Lu to the movie. In my opinion parents should take the PG-13 rating to heart. I would not recommend it for younger kids.
The elder child has decided that he wanted to write his own post. So here is his debut. I did offer some editing advice.
Ephraim’s Review:
On Tuesday I and my mom went to a movie called Guardians of the Galaxy. There was a bad part. Everybody was laughing. It was a bad word I can’t tell you because my mom would be p at me.
My favorite character is Groot. He only says, “IM AM GROOT.” Ha. Ha . He is an awesome tree guy.
I thought the movie was awesome. There are five characters, Rocket, Groot, Drax, Gamora and Star Lord. They the best Marvel characters ever but I still think the regular Marvel is still awesome too.
Everyone should go see the movie except five year old sisters because they would SCREAM their heads off. It was scary but still fun to watch.
Overall, Guardians of the Galaxy wins 5 out of 5 suns (or stars) from us!
Check out Guardians of the Galaxy on Facebook.
What is your favorite Marvel movie?
GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY is now playing in theaters everywhere!
Thanks for this Mel! Both the hubby and I are Marvel movie fans and I think I might be a little more excited to see this. After reading your post I am even more so! I love that Eph made his blog debut as well. 🙂
I keep hearing about this movie. But I just haven’t taken the time to watch a preview. Thanks for the review. It sounds like something I would enjoy. I’m also not a huge Marvel fan, but this looks like it would be fun.
I think Guardians of the Galaxy has to be my favorite marvel movies.