Disclaimer: I am pleased to be a part of the MommyCon Sisterhood journalist team. I will receive perks as part of my promotional work for the 2015 events.
As an interpreter, I am required to attend various conferences and trainings to keep up with my credentials. However, as a Mom, no one is signing me up for classes or workshops to keep up my mom “credits”. There have been so many days over the past 10 years that I have wished there was a Parenting 101 class. Or heck, 201, 301 and 401. Seriously, just think of how much you can learn from being together with other like-minded Moms.
That is exactly what you will find at MommyCon 2015! This is the conference for cloth diapering, baby wearing, natural parenting Moms. There are fantastic speakers that are going to make you laugh and cry and hopefully not pee your pants. [Hey, no judging, I have had 3 kids and I am 41.]
So bring your babies and your friends and buy your MommyCon tickets today!
Upcoming Cities:
Chicago – February 21 *Tickets already on Sale *VIP Babywearing Tickets Still Available
Atlanta – March 28
Minneapolis – April 18
Orlando – May 23
Washington DC – August 22
Make sure you use the code SUNSHINE15 to save $5.00 off your General Admission Tickets!
Check out the MommyCon website, follow them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!
Mindy says
No judging here. LOL. Wish we were attending the same one!
Mindy recently posted…Confessions of a Tired Breastfeeding Mama
Rachel says