Our home is situated on a piece of property that adjacent to a huge field. Twice a year the neighborhood kids are all treated to a few hours of watching the planting and harvesting. The farmer is very kind and has no problem with the children coming out to see the tractors and other equipment. It really is a spectacle.
Both of my older kids have loved to watch the farmer and I was certain that Ez would be the same. When the farmer came out in the dark this year we were all a bit disappointed. However, he left all the combines and tractors out in the field for the next couple of days.
Of course my big kids couldn’t wait to go out there and stand near the giant tires. To touch the trucks and to climb up on the ladders. Ez on the other hand was scared. Truly frightened. What I thought was going to be this fun little adventure turned into crying and running. He would go no further than the edge of the field.
We all tried to talk him into getting closer. We walked out there together. We played games but he stood on the side just watching. He was having no part of our yearly harvest party.
He never made it up close but I caught this picture of him just standing at the edge, with his “sword” raised up ready to enter into a mighty battle with those combines.
A tiny heart of bravery.
As long as they didn’t move.
Lol!! Oh my this is just the cutest!! What a great moment to capture!! My son is much the same!! Super aprehensive!!
Aw that is the cutest. I would be scared of those too haha. This is so awesome you guys have this available to you, my grandparents live right on farm land and it’s so beautiful and the air is so awesome out there. We can’t move out there because of my husband’s job but I long for a home out there eventually.