Something they want.
Something they need.
Something to wear.
Something to read.
With three kids, a small house and more “stuff” than is necessary, it is difficult to come up with quality gifts that my children will enjoy. One thing for sure is that a good book is never an unloved gift but wading through all of the choices on Amazon can be overwhelming. Almost impossible to find an enjoyable children’s book. So, let me make it easy for you, if you are looking for a beautifully illustrated, well written story with a timely moral lesson, look no further than Win Or Lose, I Still Love You! by Lysa Terkeurst.

Mrs. Terkeurst also includes 10 scripture verses that can be used as memory exercises or to lend a support to portions of the story. The verses and lessons help reinforce that God has a plan for each of us whether we win or lose and that no matter what, our children are still deeply loved and cherished.
You may not win, but you must try,
Sometimes you’ll lose, but there is no need to cry.
Win or lose, one thing that’s true
No matter what, I love you!
If you are looking for that perfect “something to read” on your holiday list, I hope you will consider this beautiful children’s book. Win or Lose, I love You! is written by Lysa Terkeurst and illustrated by Jana Christy.You can purchase this book on Amazon for $16.99 (on sale now for $9.20). Or use the link below!
Disclaimer: I was provided this book for free in exchange for honest and heartfelt opinion. I am a Tommy Mommy and receive benefits through my affiliation.
This book sounds fabulous.
This looks like a great book. Thanks so much for the information.
Great message and always love when the kids are reading!
I love the simple gift idea. I’ve been trying to convince my husband because my daughter gets so much from family that our house is overcrowding with stuff.