I can’t believe it has been almost a year since I was chosen as a Smart Bottoms Ambassador. It was such an honor and surprise when Bert’s email popped into my mailbox and it has been a wonderful experience to be on the team with some great bloggers and moms. (Check out the bottom of this post for links to all the ambassadors IG accounts.)
When I was first chosen to be on the ambassador team I had one single Smart Bottoms diaper. Just one but I really loved it. It was the closest thing that I had found to my (up until then) favorite diaper, the OBGE. That stands for original Bum Genius Elemental. I had a small stash of 10 that were our go-to diapers. However, they didn’t make them any longer and I was not going to pay black market prices for a diaper. I am a cloth minimalist for the most part. No wildly large stashes for me.
As the year progressed, my single Smart Bottoms diaper has multiplied like a little gremlin given water after midnight and these organic, fluffy, made in the USA puffs of love are pretty much the ONLY diapers left in our everyday diaper cart. And here are the reasons why:
- Fit: Smart Bottoms have a generous sizing option. At 30lbs, we are still on the second rise with room to grow. (although I am praying for potty training success, send down the Angel of Potty Success)
- Trimness: The AIO style is very trim. Most of Ezra’s normal clothes fit comfortably over the diapers. I still love maxiloons and Project Pomona pants but they are not necessary.
- Quality: Smart Bottoms are worth their price. The diapers have a excellent shelf life. We use our AIO diapers in a small rotation and have had zero problems. However, if we did, I trust that SB team would quickly replace them as they have phenomenal customer service and warranty options.
- Prints/Colors: While I am not one to jump on every single limited edition diaper, I do love the variety of prints and colors that are offered. No stale, same 5 colors for Smart Bottoms. They have a variety of options to meet gender, passion, interests and those of us who love a solid. Plus they spread the love among their retailers with lots of exclusives. (*note to self: Need to get that beach bum diaper if they re-release it.)
- Product Variety: I wrote a whole post about all the Smart Bottoms products I adore (you can read that here) but I have to mention that their quality and variety runs across all their products. While they are best known for their AIO’s, their wet bags, new covers, inserts, ect are also of exceptional quality and enable you to have a variety of choices when cloth diapering.
I don’t proclaim my love for Smart Bottoms because I am an ambassador. If I didn’t still love this brand, I would have gladly stepped aside and let another blogger take my place. No, my feelings are tried and true. Smart Bottoms are an exceptional company, creating an incredible product and sharing their passion for top-notch fluff to cloth diapering families everywhere.
Find out more about Smart Bottoms by following all of the wonderful Ambassadors on Instagram or join us over at The Smarty Pants Facebook group, the place to be for all the up to date information on new prints, products, troubleshooting, ect.
Follow us on Instagram at:
I firmly believe in shopping local and that is why Sprout Soup is my go to cloth diaper store. Not local? No problem, Sprout Soup has quick shipping and great online customer care.
I hope you enjoy my Smart Bottoms collage. It was hard to pick all the great pictures of Ezra this year!
You are a great ambassador and Ezra looks so cute in all his cloth!
They have the best prints! I have garden adventure, so cute.
This is super helpful, I’ve always loved the prints and style of Smart Bottoms but have been scared to try them because I’ve had so many failed trials with other brands, but your post makes me feel secure in getting one and testing it out on my LO, Thanks!
I am glad you found a great diaper.