I have to be 100% honest, I am slightly uncomfortable in even writing this post. I don’t love the idea of talking about money or even finances with “on the blog” but we have received many inquiries from family, friends and strangers asking us how they can help us. After much consideration (and research), we decided to start an adoption fundraising page with Adopt Together.
When it comes to making the “decision” to adopt a special needs child, there is also the knowledge that international adoption is very expensive. Not only the actual process and fees but also the fact that Chris and I will be taking unpaid time of work as well as the increased medical bills for our new daughter. In addition to our Adopt Together fundraising site, we will be completing several grant applications and hosting a variety of fundraisers. Please keep a look out on other ways you can help partner with us in bringing Lydia home.
Adopt Together is similar to a crowd funding website (think Go Fund Me) except that their organization is a 501c3 therefore all of your donations are 100% tax deductible. Donations made in our name will be given to us via a grant minus the necessary fees for their services. If you have any questions about making your donation online, please don’t hesitate to send me an email. I would be happy to walk you through the process.
Even more than your financial gifts, we are so grateful for all of you your prayers, kind words and support. It truly takes a village to raise a child and we are thankful to have so many supporters on our adoption journey. It is because of the love that you show us that there will be one less orphan.

Click here to read our official announcement.
Click here to follow along in our adoption journey (timeline).
What a beautiful little girl!
So amazing!! I hope you get all the money and resources you need to make this a possibility and easier on you!! So exciting!!