I previous posts I have talked about my daughter Lu’s life threatening egg allergy that is complicated by her subglottic stenosis (narrowing of her airway). She is also sensitive to milk and soy, which causes her stomach and skin irritation. So our house is egg free which is very hard for a little girl who loves treats and… [Read More]
Eating Out with Food Allergies
Over the past 2 years our family has become experts at negotiating menu’s at various chain restaurants. Up until recently we have had our few regular restaurants where we knew what foods were safe for Lu (or when I was still nursing, me) to eat. I have a few staples that I know are typically egg,… [Read More]
Praise & Giveaway: NutraSea Kids
This past month I was offered the opportunity to review the Ascenta Health NutraSea Kids 200ml Omega 3 & Omega 6 blends supplement. Finding a yummy tasting fish oil liquid that my son will drink, not to mention that is healthy and safe from toxins, is not an easy task and believe me we have been through our… [Read More]
Praise & Giveaway: Easy Lunchboxes (Bento Box) Back to School!
In the hustle and bustle of of the morning the one thing that I dread is making lunch. I was secretly hoping that Eph would love buying lunch in the school cafeteria and I would only have to pack two lunches per day. With Lu’s food allergies it is necessary to pack food everywhere we… [Read More]
Breast Feeding a Milk Allergic Child – A Personal Experience
**This is not medical advice. Please contact your doctor for specific information related to your child.** Since Luella was 4 weeks old, we have known that she had a several food allergies, She was chronically ill during the first several weeks with many colic symptoms. Our integrative based pediatrician suggested that we begin a food… [Read More]