This past Monday night, the kids and I bundled up and headed out for a “big kid date” to see Disney Pixar’s newest film The Good Dinosaur. Of course, my kids are Mouse addicts, so they had been eagerly anticipating this movie since the first previews started showing on the Disney Channel and of course,… [Read More]
Be Brave Little One
Our home is situated on a piece of property that adjacent to a huge field. Twice a year the neighborhood kids are all treated to a few hours of watching the planting and harvesting. The farmer is very kind and has no problem with the children coming out to see the tractors and other equipment…. [Read More]
Book Praise: Win or Lose, I Love You!
For the past couple of years, my husband and I have followed the simplified gift giving plan that you can find on many blogs. Something they want. Something they need. Something to wear. Something to read. With three kids, a small house and more “stuff” than is necessary, it is difficult to come up with… [Read More]
Adopting from China – Our Timeline
When we first started our adoption process, I didn’t quite understand the fascination with bloggers posting their adoption timelines. I figured that there were so many variables that could possibly come into play that reading other families timelines were not applicable to us. However, now that we are smack dab in the middle of the… [Read More]
Product Praise: Fresh Wave #HappyHealthyOdorFree
Have you ever wished that you could scratch n sniff the internet? See that beautiful bouquet of flowers or that delicious looking meal? Do you have those olfactory hallucinations, when you see something and can “smell” it in your head? Is it only me? Trust me, the perks of NOT being able to smell things… [Read More]
Praise: Simple Grace Magazine
In a world that is often overflowing with images, social media and news of horrific crimes and events, it is sometimes difficult to separate oneself from all the sadness and destruction that inundates us on a daily basis. It is easy to get caught up in worldly drama and forget about the Truth of God’s… [Read More]
Unlimited Tea Moments with LIBRE TEA GLASS
The sharing of tea is one of my fondest memories of my mother. She never drank coffee when I was younger, only tea. I can picture her perfectly manicured hands wrapped around our white china tea cups. When I was older we would use my great-grandmother’s fancy tea cups and have little tea parties at… [Read More]
Smart Bottoms: Buy All the Extras
Disclaimer: I am a Smart Bottoms Ambassador. I receive products to review in exchange for my honest opinions and promotion. Everyone knows that I love my Smart Bottoms AIO diapers. Their Made in the USA, organic cotton cloth diapers are totes the best. (that means totally in my 7 year old daughter speak.) As a… [Read More]
Giveaway: The LEGO Creativity Tour Columbus
In the past 10 years, I can’t think of a day that I haven’t cleaned up some type of LEGO product from the floor of our playroom. From LEGO Duplo during the little years, to 3,000 piece Star Wars battleships in the Tween years, all three of my children have always enjoyed a fresh box… [Read More]
How Do You Remember? Pregnancy & Infant Loss Remembrance Day
October 15th is Pregnancy and Infant Loss remembrance day. A day set aside to honor and publicly acknowledge our fearfully and wonderfully made babies that lived in our wombs and in our hearts. Miscarriage occurs in one and four women and is still a socially taboo subject but it doesn’t have to be. There are… [Read More]