Our family recently enjoyed reviewing the 26piece Neon Magformers set. The set includes 18 squares and 8 triangles. The set is designed so that you can make simple structures including the very popular “magic ball.” The Magformers come ready to play with right out of the box and offer hours of creative entertainment for ages 3 and… [Read More]
The Last Tooth – How I Failed My Oldest Child
I failed at mothering yesterday. Not in a big way. Not in the kind of “I permanently damaged my kid” way. It is even worse, it was one of those teeny tiny ways that leaves a lasting effect. A heart change. It really started last December while we were on vacation. My oldest son lost… [Read More]
Book Praise: 8 Simple Tools for Raising Great Kids by Dr. Todd Cartmell
I have had rough parenting week. My older, strong willed, preteen is in some kind of hormonal spring frenzy and this mama is about to lose her mind. He does not listen. He does not care. He does not respond to a single discipline tactic. To be 100% transparent, I can’t seem to find a my… [Read More]
#WhyISign Campaign
Today I am excited to share with you a very important campaign called #WhyISign. This video campaign was created by Stacy Abrams in order to encourage and support the families of Deaf children to consider ASL an important part of their deaf child’s identity. The campaign has been going on for a few months now but… [Read More]
Giveaway! Didymos Indio Ruby Red Woven Wrap
I am so thankful to be able to bring you this great giveaway from The Pierogie Mama. I totally missed the wrap train with my own littles but if I am ever blessed with another one small enough to train into wrapping, a Didymos woven is on my must have list. Can’t you just see a… [Read More]
Promo: Magformers New 26pc Neon Kit
As a parent to a Deaf child, I am always looking for toys that are bright, age appropriate and do not require him to hear sounds in order to enjoy the toy to it’s fullest. In the days of technology it is rare to find engaging activities that do not require a plug. Magformers are an excellent… [Read More]
Promo: Challenger Sports – British Soccer Camps
Soccer Mom is a moniker that I absolutely adore. Up until a few years ago, I really didn’t understand soccer and I still struggle to see an “offsides” called but I am absolutely passionate for my son’s love of soccer. For past year and a half we have played on a local Columbus club team… [Read More]
Disney Movie Praise: Zootopia
Oh sweet Disney, you always have a way of making wonderful movies that appeal to every age and generation. You know the perfect place to insert that classic movie reference along with maintaining the attention of your youngest viewers with pop culture references. Disney, you are the animated movie master and just like other Disney… [Read More]
Adopt Together: Join us in Bringing Lydia Home
I have to be 100% honest, I am slightly uncomfortable in even writing this post. I don’t love the idea of talking about money or even finances with “on the blog” but we have received many inquiries from family, friends and strangers asking us how they can help us. After much consideration (and research), we… [Read More]
Clean Your Home Naturally with #MurchisonHume #momsmeet
I received this product for free from the sponsor of the Moms Meet program, May Media Group LLC, who received it directly from the manufacturer. As a Moms Meet blogger, I agree to use this product and post my opinion on my blog. My opinions do not necessarily re ect the opinions of May Media… [Read More]