In May I will have been blogging for seven years and even though I have had a few articles go viral, I have not experienced anything like I did this past week when a video of my son Ezra went viral. A few weeks ago I posted a cute little video of my son giggling… [Read More]
The Last Tooth – How I Failed My Oldest Child
I failed at mothering yesterday. Not in a big way. Not in the kind of “I permanently damaged my kid” way. It is even worse, it was one of those teeny tiny ways that leaves a lasting effect. A heart change. It really started last December while we were on vacation. My oldest son lost… [Read More]
Book Praise: 8 Simple Tools for Raising Great Kids by Dr. Todd Cartmell
I have had rough parenting week. My older, strong willed, preteen is in some kind of hormonal spring frenzy and this mama is about to lose her mind. He does not listen. He does not care. He does not respond to a single discipline tactic. To be 100% transparent, I can’t seem to find a my… [Read More]
Three Great Toddler Learning & Play Apps
I am sure you have seen the online articles admonishing parents for letting their young children use tablets or other electronic devices. The dirty stares when you are sharing an appetizer with your husband and your child is deeply entranced in their Ipad movie. Let’s just be real, sometimes, having a few minutes for uninterrupted adult… [Read More]
Slow the #&$@ Down!
It happened again early this morning. The sun was just barely coming up. I was trying to load a days worth of stuff into my car. The toddler was toddling around the van when I heard it, the sound of one of my neighbors treating the ally like it was the Indy 500. Pulse racing, I… [Read More]
Hope for Your Eleventh Year: Letters to My Littles
To my sweet little frog moose: Tomorrow you will be eleven years old. Tomorrow marks that day where you move closer to your independence and farther from your childhood. It is bitter-sweet to watch you grow older. The old “blink of an eye” adage has never been so true. I know this year is going… [Read More]
Parenting Survey – Church Attendance & Special Needs Children
Disclaimer: I am using the term “special needs” to include children with a range of medical, physical and sensory disabilities. While I prefer to use positive and affirming choices, I believe “special needs” best defines the intentions of the survey. Have you ever looked around your church and realized that there are no families with special… [Read More]
MommyCon Fall Schedule! Four More 2015 Events!
Disclaimer: I am on the MommyCon street team and receive payment and tickets in exchange for my promotion of these events. Can you believe that summer is almost over? My big kids head back to school in just a few days. I can’t believe that the much anticipated MommyCon Columbus is just around the corner. I… [Read More]
Why EVERY Mom Needs a Wet Bag or Ten!
*This post contains affiliate links. Wet bag? What is a wet bag you ask? In the cloth diapering world, wet bags are the way you store and transport your stinky dirty diapers. However, most cloth diapering Mom’s eventually stop cloth diapering yet still find a host of amazing uses for their wet bags. Wet bags… [Read More]
Ughh, I Hate the Word “Thrive” Used to Describe Deaf Children
In my new identity as a parent of a “special needs” child, I am continuously annoyed by parents regular use of the word “thrive” when discussing their children. It happened the other day when I dared to venture out into a cochlear implant discussion. The parent that was 100% against the use of sign language lambasted… [Read More]