Disclaimer: We received this costume free in exchange for our honest opinions. Ever since we saw Inside out at Disney Social Media Mom’s, Lulu has been planning a full family costume set for us this year. Although trying to convince her 10 year old brother to done a matching costume is a test of futility,… [Read More]
Owning My Own Profile
A few years ago, there was an viral blog post encouraging Mom’s to “stay in the picture.” While this is not a something that I have ever really struggled with because I absolutely cherish my family photos. Over weight, under weight, crazy hair – don’t care. I love being in the picture with my family…. [Read More]
Deaf Child Waiting: Isla with Heartsent Adoptions
Sunshine Praises is not an official advocate for any agency. My goal is to help all deaf and hard of hearing waiting children find their forever families. This little sweetie showed up in my newsfeed today and I just had to share her. Isla is another deaf Chinese waiting child. She is absolutely adorable. She does have several… [Read More]
Bridal Mini Me Photo Session – Beautiful Memories
I have always loved the idea of reusing or imagining my wedding gown turned into something that would stay in our family. I loved my wedding dress. I chose it because it reminded me of the beautiful styles of Jacqueline Kennedy. Her signature dresses all had simple waist bows and lovely clean lines. When we had… [Read More]
MommyCon Columbus is Tomorrow – Who’s Going?
Are any of my lovely readers going to be joining me at MommyCon Columbus tomorrow? I will be headed down in the morning and would love to meet some of you in real life. I don’t know if we will have name tags, but I should be carrying around that cute little blond Deaf baby… [Read More]
Praise: Enjoy Life Foods Introduces 5 NEW Baking Mixes #tothefullest
Food allergies are on the rise. I rarely meet a mother or child that doesn’t share my daily woe’s of trying to feed two children with food sensitivities. At a birthday this past weekend, Ez wasn’t the only kid that had to bypass the special treats once again. Since Ez is only two, he isn’t… [Read More]
Book Praise : The Biggest Story
I love beautiful books. Especially books that are created for children but illustrated in a manner that is aesthetically pleasing to adults. Books that have interesting visual details. I am also naturally drawn to bold bright colors. The illustrations in the new book, The Biggest Story by Kevin De Young are breathtaking. You can… [Read More]
Deaf Child Advocacy (China) – Silas- Shared List
I am not an official advocate for any agency. My goal is to help as many waiting Deaf/HOH children find their forever families. First I want to thank Tori for advocating for Silas. I can tell by her messages to me that she believes in this beautiful child and knows his forever family is somewhere… [Read More]
Run Happy: Do the Du (Run Bike Run)
No lie. I am thirty pounds over weight. I have been lazy and significantly under training. Well really, I haven’t been training at all, unless you count chasing my toddler. I had signed up for my second duathlon of the summer and didn’t want to back out. So this morning I tossed my bike up… [Read More]
Early Literacy in ASL (Retelling a Story)
Recently Ezra has been blooming in his language acquisition. He is on target with hearing peers for typical developing children. He regularly uses two word sentences and has mastered the “question” signs, WHAT, WHERE and WHO. We often see sentences like: Where paci? Who (index)? What (index)? *normally referring to a sound or something he… [Read More]